Wednesday, Oct 09th

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Public-interest group says chemical in soda causes cancer

Cola ingredient causes cancerIt has been one of the listed ingredients of Coke and Pepsi for as long as most people can remember but, if the Center for Science in the Public Interest, or CSPI, has its way, caramel color will no longer be used to make colas.

Citing studies that link several types of cancer to a chemical in caramel coloring, the head of the CSPI told 9 News that jeopardizing people's health simply to give colas their familiar brown hue is just not acceptable.


Lessons Not Learned: New Map Shows 120 Million Americans at Nuclear Fallout Risk

In the one year since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began, the Nuclear Regulator Commission (NRC) has failed to enact any safety mandate for U.S. reactors, an oversight the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) says is making 120 million Americans at an increased risk of radioactive impacts. The group's new U.S. nuclear fallout map shows the risk factors associated with the nation's plants and the radioactive plumes that would have occurred had an area been hit with a Fukushima-like disaster.


Documents Reveal Rockefeller Foundation Actively Engaged in Mass Mind-Control

From archive material from the 1940s onward, it has become apparent that the Rockefeller Foundation has for decades now fanatically nurtured research into fear-inducing brainwashing techniques for the masses.

In 1954, 200,000 dollars was an exceptional amount of money. This substantial grant is just one example out of many in which the Rockefeller Foundation threw huge sums of cash in the direction of social scientists for refining and perfecting the art of indoctrination. One of the results of their studies was that fear, induced or otherwise, makes the person a willing victim for the elite. The website gives an adequate summing up of professor Hovland’s findings:


Top 20 Fluoride News Stories of 2011

Misinformed fluoridation promoters falsely assure unquestioning and confused legislators that fluoride-laced water is safe for everyone and no credible evidence proves otherwise.  However, hundreds of studies and an abundance of evidence prove them wrong, reports the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. (NYSCOF).

Here's what happened in 2011

Super Tuesday & Our Next Thrill

Super TuesdayIt's been one wimpering bellow and simpering cacophony after another with these guys, all this empty and voidful claptrap called the GOP candidacy, or coronation, or whatever half-baked appellation you'd care to make of this clammy, hammy, clambake.

Now, to steal a dribble from basketball, welcome to Super Tuesday -- March Madness, Republican Style!  This is a most appropriate banner to stretch over these four lame and leftover horsemen of the GOP Apocalypse, all saddled up on their pygmy ponies, ready to joust with feather pillows.


Karzai issues repressive rules for Afghan women

Aghan clerics issue edictWomen are subordinate to men, should not mix in work or education and must always have a male guardian when they travel, according to new guidelines from Afghanistan's top clerics which critics say are dangerously reminiscent of the Taliban era.

The edicts appeared in a statement that also encouraged insurgents to join peace talks, fuelling fears that efforts to negotiate an end to a decade of war, now gathering pace after years of false starts and dead ends, will come at a high cost to women.


Is Israel in danger of descent into apartheid, xenophobia, and isolation?.

Israel and democracyWhen the government speaks daily about the existential threat from Iran, and urges an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities, it ignores the existential threat that looms within. Reactionary elements lurk in many democracies. Ask the Dutch, the British, the Austrians, the French.

The Republican Party has flirted with several in this election cycle. But in Israel the threat is especially acute. And the concern comes not only from its most persistent critics. The former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert have both warned of a descent into apartheid, xenophobia, and isolation.


Let’s Hear It for the Sluts and Prostitutes!

Let's Hear it for Sluts and ProstitutesYou know who they are…all those wanton women, those shameful creatures, the ones who actually have a sexual identity and dare to live the same kind of normal lives as men.  Yes, you know who they are, the women who hear themselves called "sluts" and "whores" and "prostitutes" if they dare to differ, to speak out, to argue, to protest, or to even think for themselves. Let’s hear it for them.

Let’s hear it for all the women who are vilified because they dare to want to control their own reproductive systems, - and who consider pregnancy prevention a vital part of their basic health. .Who would guess that this is the 21st century, and that this is the United States of America?


Japan earthquake and tsunami anniversary: Japan suppressed key radiation report

Predictions on the amount of radiation that had already been released from the crippled reactors, as well as further radiation that might escape into the atmosphere "could by no means be released to the public," says the document, according to Kyodo News.

Dated March 19, the document predicts that clouds of radioactivity could be released from the plant and spread across northern and central Japan, including Tokyo.


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