Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update07:55:31 AM GMT

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Why Are Police In America Treating Women Like Dogs?

When I was growing up, police in America generally treated women with gentleness and respect.  It was generally understood that women were not to be thrown around or mistreated by police unless they were being openly violent.  But in most areas of the United States those days are long gone.  Sadly, many police officers seem to make it a point to be especially mean and degrading to women.  All over the country women are being openly abused and humiliated by police.  In America today, women are being yanked around by their hair by police, women are being pepper sprayed directly in the face by police, and women are being brutally strip-searched in front of leering male police officers.  This is not how a civilized nation should be treating women and there is no excuse for treating women like dogs.  The incidents that you are about to read about are absolutely shocking.  They reveal just how far America has fallen.  If police will treat non-violent women like dogs, then what will they do when the time comes to arrest you?  That is something to think about.


Vaccines Didn't Cure Polio After All?

Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts. These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961! But there is a more sinister reason for the "decline" in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections was invented, to "cover" the fact that many cases of "polio" paralysis had no poliovirus in their systems at all. While this protected the reputation of the Salk vaccine, it muddied the waters of history in a big way.


Coke, Pepsi to drop level of 'cancer' chemical

Coca-Cola and Pepsi said Friday they have lowered levels of a chemical in caramel coloring to comply with a California law, but insisted the drinks pose no health risks and recipes will not change.

The move allows the companies to avoid having to label products with a cancer warning due to what the health-conscious west coast state has ruled are high levels of 4-methylimidazole, shown to cause cancer in lab rodents.


Insect Experts Issue 'Urgent' Warning On Using Biotech Seeds

In order to slow down or prevent the spread of resistance, the scientists are calling for big changes in the way that biotech companies, seed dealers and farmers fight this insect. The scientists urge the agency to act "with a sense of some urgency."

The rethinking that's laid out in this letter, in fact, goes beyond what the EPA is able to do under current law. For instance, the researchers want seed companies to stop routinely inserting anti-rootworm genes into their most productive hybrid seed lines. According to the letter, this practice means that farmers "often have few options" apart from rootworm-protected seeds — even in some areas where rootworms don't pose a serious problem.


New Challenger Video: Super 8 Film Of Space Shuttle Disaster Uncovered

Rare film of the 1986 Challenger explosion, taken by Jeffrey Ault of Orange City, Fla., has emerged. It is perhaps the only amateur recording of the event on film, and online it has been made available exclusively to The Huffington Post.

While two home videos (one Betamax and one VHS) of the Challenger tragedy have surfaced, Ault's film, shot from the Kennedy Space Center viewing site fewer than ten miles from the launch, offers a never before seen -- and significantly closer -- perspective.


GOP presidential win would lose US ground to China – UN climate chief

UNFCCC secretary Christiana Figueres The United Nations climate chief has warned that US voters risk ceding progress to China and Europe if they opt for a presidential candidate who denies climate change.

Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, told an audience in London: "The one thing [the frontrunners for the Republican candidacy] have in common is saying they do not believe in climate change, so it's very much the decision of the US electorate.


Gas drilling industry paying Penn State to train those who regulate the gas drilling industry

Penn students being trained by gas industryWhat happens when the fox builds the hen house? The drilling industry helped get some of the most influential lawmakers elected with lavish donations to their campaigns. It paid millions to lobbyists to influence legislation, and it has hired many of the experienced regulators away from public service.

Now the industry will pay to train the people who set policy and enforce it.


Ohio: Hydraulic fracking led to earthquakes

Ohio: Fracking leads to earthquakesA dozen earthquakes in northeastern Ohio were almost certainly induced by injection of gas-drilling wastewater into the earth, Ohio oil and gas regulators said Friday as they announced a series of tough new regulations for drillers.

Among the new regulations: Well operators must submit more comprehensive geological data when requesting a drill site, and the chemical makeup of all drilling wastewater must be tracked electronically.


Bob Alexander: Lurking in the Shadows: H.R.347

Lurking in the shadowsI don’t care that the retail Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year. I’m almost continually freaked out that Halloween hasn’t stopped since December 12th 2000. It’s like we’re all living in a demented version of the film, Groundhog day. The alarm goes off, we get up, and something horrible happens. All day long we wish we could change something but the next morning … the alarm goes off, we get up, and something horrible happens.

It’s Kafka’s world … we just live in it. With a little bit of H.P. Lovecraft thrown in to ramp up the creep factor.


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