Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update07:55:31 AM GMT

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Monsanto’s Roundup is Killing Human Kidney Cells

Monsanto’s ‘biopesticide’ known as Bt is not only developing mutated insects and requiring excessive pesticide use, but new findings show that it is also killing human kidney cells — even in low doses. Amazingly, Monsanto’s superweed-breeding Roundup also has the same effect. Scientists have demonstrated in new research that the Bt pesticide, in addition to Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup, exhibit direct toxicity to human cells. The findings add to the long list of hazardous effects presented by Monsanto’s genetically modified creations.


It's now official: Mainstream media no longer covering Ron Paul’s presidential campaign

A few weeks ago Dylan Byers of Politico reported that NBC News was the only media organization that still had a reporter covering Ron Paul full-time.

Now Byers has filed an update revealing that Anthony Terrell of NBC News has also been reassigned.

“Ron Paul is officially embedless.” writes Byers, adding that NBC has refused to comment on the decision.


Texas man allegedly killed soldier for not believing in God

Can being an atheist in America get you killed? If police in the small Texas town of Petrolia are to be believed, the answer to that question is yes.

It is also not yet clear if Ramirez really was an atheist, or if that was the real reason for the killing. The two nameless tipsters told police that’s what Green said to them to justify him actions, and claimed that Ramirez had reached for a gun as well. It is possible that the two had a separate disagreement leading up to the alleged murder.


Shell boss admits 207 oil spills in 2011

Shell OilShell chief executive Peter Voser earned more than £10m last year in pay and bonuses at a time of near-record oil prices and in a year when the firm was responsible for 207 oil spills – considerably more than the year before.

The remuneration, made up of salary, bonuses and long-term incentive schemes, was more than double the figure for 2010 but the company said it was justified by Shell's strong operating and share-price performance. The oil firm reported global annual earnings of $28.6bn (£18bn) in 2011 – or more than £2m an hour – a 54% increase on the previous year.


Down the Rabbit Hole, into the Job Jar

Down the rabbit holeEvery time I look up from what I'm doing, another Republican is charging off into some self-made fray, seated backwards, on a mechanical pony -- the kind bolted to the floor, requiring a quarter to rock back and forth -- shouting incoherently, trying to make the metal animal charge faster, trying to make it back up, all the way.

The screeching and screeds are usually about mandating religion in the schools and some neo-creationist harangue, or else revising the history books to show how wonderful and not-at-all demented they themselves are, or about GOP men's rights to dictating vaginal probes into women's vaginas and their God-given rights in specifying women's health care, or else it's some frothy meringue regarding how the non-job-creating but-still-so-called "job creators," corporations and the rich, should be spared paying any taxes as their forbears once gladly did.


70% of DSM Psychiatrists Financially Tied to Drug Companies

The psychiatric bible, known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is hailed by psychiatrists and psychiatry supporters alike. The 5th edition of the manual, scheduled for publication in May of 2013, is stirring up massive controversy. Being the go-to text for diagnosing every mental disorder known to (and created by) man while ultimately leading to widespread medicating of the population, the 900-page bible is now being pegged for financial conflicts of interests.


U.S. Election Management, Brought to You by Goldman Sachs

To vote or not to vote, that is the question. Whether it is better to try and overturn a corrupt system by using the tools of that system to effect change or to completely discard what we know to be a lie, is a choice that each American must make. To that end, please look at the following videos that provide proof that election results can be stolen quite easily, especially when the people behind the system have everything to gain by doing so.

Whether or not you decide to participate in the upcoming elections, be aware that the system is rigged.


Drummond paid to kill unionists: Ex-paramilitary

Alcides Mattos Tabares, alias A former paramilitary has testified before a U.S. court that coal giant Drummond Ltd. paid paramilitaries $1.5 million to murder union leaders, Colombian media reported Tuesday.

Alcides Mattos Tabares, alias "El Samario," claimed to have taken part in the murder of employees that Drummond ordered the Northern Bloc of the AUC paramilitary group to carry out over several years.

Drummond's union president and vice president, Valmore Locarno and Victor Hugo Orcasita, "had" to be killed because they were organizing a strike that would have generated losses for the company, said Tabares.


Sea level rise from global warming magnifies coastal flood risk in Washington, D.C., mid-Atlantic

3.7 million at flood risk in USSea level rise resulting from global warming will dramatically increase the risk of storm surge flooding in Washington, D.C. and along much of the U.S. coast, according to a new report from Climate Central, a non-profit science research and communication group. Its report, “Surging Seas” describes the risk of exceeding established flood levels by 2030, when taking projected sea level rise into account.

Here are some key findings from the report, specific to the mid-Atlantic region:


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