Wednesday, Oct 09th

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Some unidentified 9/11 victim remains were dumped in landfill: Pentagon

Ret. Gen. John AbizaidThe Pentagon revealed Tuesday that partial, incinerated remains of some 9/11 victims that could not be identified were sent to a landfill.

The number of victims involved was unclear according to a Pentagon report, but it involved some of those killed when a terrorist-hijacked airplane struck the Pentagon, killing 184, and another crashed in Shanksville, Pa., killing 40, in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Mystery virus kills thousands of lambs

The Schmallenberg virus causes lambs to be born dead or with serious deformities such as fused limbs and twisted necks, which mean they cannot survive.

Scientists are urgently trying to find out how the disease, which also affects cattle, spreads and how to fight it, as the number of farms affected increases by the day.


Cruise ship Costa Allegra adrift off Seychelles

Costa AllegraAn Italian cruise ship with more than 1,000 people on board is without power in the Indian Ocean following a fire. No one has been injured.

The cruise operator has stressed that the ship is steady and conditions are safe.

The liner sent out a distress signal, Costa Cruises said, and all passengers and crew not involved in fighting the fire assembled at the muster stations.


Pa. Farmer Ratchets Up Battle Against Shale Gas Industry

Dr. Stephen CleghornStephen Cleghorn, a Pennsylvania farmer, knows the ins and outs of the natural gas extraction process called hydraulic fracturing. He’s studied the risks and dangers. He’s witnessed the damage it’s wreaked on the environment. He’s commiserated with fellow Pennsylvanians who have gotten sick from contaminated water and whose animals have died from toxic fracking fluids.

Soon after hearing about a geological formation known as the Marcellus Shale about six years ago, Cleghorn immersed himself in the topic. Eventually, through a self-education process, Cleghorn concluded that that the method used to extract natural gas from the shale rock and the associated industrialization of communities across Pennsylvania posed serious risks to air, water, public health and the welfare of animals.


WikiLeaks: Disgraced Judge Said He Was Targeted for Investigation After Ruling Against Halliburton

Samuel Kent, judgeSamuel Kent, the disgraced former Texas federal judge who resigned in 2009 after receiving a 33-month sentence for lying to investigators and sexual abusing two employees, told a senior analyst for the private intelligence firm Stratfor that he believes the Justice Department may have targeted him after he ruled against Halliburton in a "heavy case," according to an email leaked by WikiLeaks.

In an email to her colleagues, Stratfor senior Eurasia analyst Lauren Goodrich describes a conversation she had with Kent over lunch in 2009. Here's a look at part of the email:


WikiLeaks begins publishing The Global Intelligence Files

Julian AssangeToday, Monday 27 February, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files – more than five million emails from the Texas-headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The emails date from between July 2004 and late December 2011.

They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defense Intelligence Agency.


Massive European network of Stone Age tunnels that weaves from Scotland to Turkey

Secrets Of The Underground Door To An Ancient World Evidence of tunnels has been found under hundreds of Neolithic settlements.

That so many tunnels have survived after 12,000 years shows that the original network must have been enormous.

Stone Age man created a massive network of underground tunnels criss-crossing Europe from Scotland to Turkey, a new book on the ancient superhighways has claimed.

German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kusch said evidence of the tunnels has been found under hundreds of Neolithic settlements all over the continent.

The book notes that chapels were often built by the entrances perhaps because the Church were afraid of the heathen legacy the tunnels might have represented, and wanted to negate their influence.

In some cases writings have been discovered referring to the tunnels seen as a gateway to the

A Biocratic Feeding Frenzy: Economists and Biologists Weigh In

A study published in Human and Experimental Toxicology in May of 2011 concluded that “nations that require more vaccine doses tend to have higher infant mortality rates.

After an in-depth study into the effects of vaccine-coverage in relation to mortality rates among infants, the authors Neil Z. Miller and Gary S. Goldman came to this disturbing conclusion and advised that “a closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs, is essential.”- but naively concluded that “All nations—rich and poor, advanced and developing—have an obligation to determine whether their immunization schedules are achieving their desired goals.”

If you eradicate the human, you eradicate the disease- problem solved:


Israel, Kurdish fighters destroyed Iran nuclear facility, email released by WikiLeaks claims

The mega-leaks website, WikiLeaks, has partnered with the hackers cooperative Anonymous, to publish internal emails of the American strategic intelligence company Stratfor. In one of the hacked emails, Stratfor officials discuss information obtained from one of their sources who reports that Israeli commandos, in cooperation with Kurdish fighters, have destroyed Iranian nuclear installations.


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