It's been one wimpering bellow and simpering cacophony after another with these guys, all this empty and voidful claptrap called the GOP candidacy, or coronation, or whatever half-baked appellation you'd care to make of this clammy, hammy, clambake.
Now, to steal a dribble from basketball, welcome to Super Tuesday -- March Madness, Republican Style! This is a most appropriate banner to stretch over these four lame and leftover horsemen of the GOP Apocalypse, all saddled up on their pygmy ponies, ready to joust with feather pillows.
In the English language, it's a shame we aren't allowed to add exponents to some descriptors, can't add a "power" sign at the end. We could not create this in current grammar: "Newt is a liar, cheat, and a sneak thief ^ 56," which would be saying Newt's to the power of 56 in terms of liar-cheat-sneak-thief-iness times itself -- 56 times in all. Just as five-squared means five times five, Newt to the 56th power would mean, well, a wet cleanup on aisles 5 through 9,472, at the least.
Before we get cocky with this stuff, it is vital to remember that trying to divide by zero will still cause a shift in The Force and a nasty rift in Time. But, it should be theoretically possible to envision personality traits and actions increased exponentially, as a way to truly see into any candidate's soul. If you're going to go there, a wet-suit-under and a HazMat-suit-over is the way to go. And, where Newt's involved, just flee and never look back, else you'll be turned into a pillar of Callista.