Monday, Jan 06th

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You are here News Editorials Let’s Hear It for the Sluts and Prostitutes!

Let’s Hear It for the Sluts and Prostitutes!

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Let's Hear it for Sluts and ProstitutesYou know who they are…all those wanton women, those shameful creatures, the ones who actually have a sexual identity and dare to live the same kind of normal lives as men.  Yes, you know who they are, the women who hear themselves called "sluts" and "whores" and "prostitutes" if they dare to differ, to speak out, to argue, to protest, or to even think for themselves. Let’s hear it for them.

Let’s hear it for all the women who are vilified because they dare to want to control their own reproductive systems, - and who consider pregnancy prevention a vital part of their basic health. .Who would guess that this is the 21st century, and that this is the United States of America?

Who would guess that a powerful group of politically extreme, narrow minded, mean-spirited, insecure and backward-looking little men would use  the ‘s’ word to describe any woman, anywhere in this day and age?  Who would guess?  So let’s really hear it for them.

And while we’re at it, let’s hear it for the feminazis among us as well. You know, those ugly, unappealing, man-hating women defiled by mindless ditto-heads for years. Yes, you got it, those miserable females who want equal pay for equal work, or equal rights under the law, or – OMG - access to safe and affordable abortions.  Let’s hear it for these women who have heard the whole gamut of ugly names hurled at them, and who have managed to shrug them off with grace and dignity.  Please, let’s hear it.


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