Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Rick Scott, Democrats fight over Florida early voting

Rick ScottThe fight over early voting is escalating in Florida as Gov. Rick Scott seeks agreement among counties for eight days and Democrats demand 12 days. At issue is whether all 67 counties will operate under one early voting schedule, or five counties — including Monroe — will offer more days than all the others.

Days after a federal court ruled that eight days of early voting could depress African-American turnout, Scott’s chief elections advisor tried to get five counties to agree to eight days of early voting anyway — for 12 hours a day.


Police Shoot Homeless Man In Back Over 30 Times – Video

A homeless man who called the 911 for help is shot over 30 times by police as he attempts to walk away from the police.

Saginaw County Prosecutor Michael Thomas said later that the squad of police confronting him opened fire “because apparently, at this point in time, he was threatening to assault police.”


Why People Reject Conspiracy Theories

Anti-conspiracy proponents ludicrously claim that conspiracy theorists are prey to paranoia and irrational thinking without explaining their own faulty reasoning. They put a huge emphasis on labels and none on facts. But they’re not unique. Apparently, name-calling is enough to win a court case in a 21st century American courtroom.

The truth is that 9/11 “conspiracy theorists” [read truth-tellers] are not the irrational party in the debate about what happened on 9/11, for the facts of history are on their side and no one with an honest intellect can say otherwise.


FBI probed GOP trip with drinking, nudity in Israel

The FBI probed a late-night swim in the Sea of Galilee that involved drinking, numerous GOP freshmen lawmakers, top leadership staff — and one nude member of Congress, according to more than a dozen sources, including eyewitnesses.

During a fact-finding congressional trip to the Holy Land last summer, Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) took off his clothes and jumped into the sea, joining a number of members, their families and GOP staff during a night out in Israel, the sources told POLITICO. Other participants, including the daughter of another congressman, swam fully clothed, while some lawmakers partially disrobed. More than 20 people took part in the late-night dip in the sea, according to sources who were participants in the trip.


GOP Senate Candidate: Victims Of ‘Legitimate Rape’ Won’t Become Pregnant

Todd AkinSenate Candidate and Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) told a local television station on Sunday that “legitimate rape” rarely produces pregnancy because “the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.” Akin cited conversations with unnamed doctors for the bizarre claim.

Akin sponsored legislation that would redefine rape in federal law to limit funding for abortion providers and has a long track record of uninformed and extreme views about women’s health.

TVNL Comment:  This moron is an elected official who is running for the US Senate. And there are actually voters in Missouri who will vote for him this November.  How embarrassing is that?

More + Video...

UPDATE: Growing Number Of Conservatives Call On Akin To Withdraw After ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments...

Jewish settler attacks on Palestinians listed as 'terrorist incidents' by US

Palestians fight fires in West Bank Violence by Jewish settlers has been cited for the first time in a US state department list of "terrorist incidents", as Israeli political leaders condemned a string of recent attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

The inclusion of assaults on Palestinian targets in the annual report on terrorism reflects growing concern in Israel and internationally that violence by a minority of Jewish extremists could trigger a new cycle of conflict and further damage the prospects of a peace agreement between the two sides.


New ocean health index scores world 60 out of 100

OCeansAfter two years of collecting global data and developing models, scientists have a new, comprehensive way to measure the health of the world's oceans that recognizes humans as a part of an integrated marine ecosystem.

The scientists' report, published this week in the journal Nature, gave the oceans an overall score of 60 on a scale of 0 to 100. Among the world's 133 countries with ocean coastlines, scores ranged from 36 to 86; the United States scored slightly above average at 63.


Alex Baer: Hip Shots from the Lip

Romney/RyanWillard Romney can't seem to make up his mind about which foot it is he prefers in his mouth, constantly trying one, then the other.

Running mate Paul Ryan can't stop shooting from the hip, shooting off his lip, fatally winging any chance he ever had to be taken seriously by any sane adult whose brains still work somewhat close to spec.

Between one man's random ricochets off mistruths, and the other's routine taste-testing of his own feet, this is one heckuva team, Brownie. It's just a matter of time before one of them panics, accidentally speaking truth, while the other finally accepts his limitations and hires out for more feet.


Phoenix official orders woman to stop handing out free water during extreme heat wave, claims she needs 'permit'

In the United Police States of America, there is no more room for free-thinking individuals that wish to take common sense action as they see fit, at least not when they try to do so without the government's permission. In a shocking display of utter tyranny against a free individual trying to contribute to the greater good, an official in Phoenix, Arizona, recently ordered resident Dana Crow-Smith to stop handing out free bottles of water to thirsty passersby trying to survive the extreme heat wave, claiming that she needs a permit to conduct this act of good will.


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