Thursday, Oct 10th

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Veterans for Peace convene in Miami

Veterans for PeaceWith pamphlets and peace buttons, bumper stickers and self-published books, the gray-haired veterans and eager young activists at the Veterans For Peace convention in Miami this week are out to educate America on the evils of war.

The national convention began on Wednesday at the Marriott in downtown Miami and is focused on “Liberating the Americas: Lessons from Latin America and the Caribbean.” Highlights include speeches from author Alice Walker and filmmaker and former TV talk host Phil Donahue. The convention concludes Saturday.


Alex Baer: A Visit with the End

TV NewsAs press conferences go, it was an un-shocking, non-breakthrough announcement from the Regional Integrated Group-Householded Television Network Association of Associations and Amalgamated Organizations, Unlimited, sporting specific advice for television viewers this political season:  "Hit the 'off' button and turn on your mind!"

Spokesperson Stan Bie said, "You know, television viewers who are tired of being spin-dizzied into psychosis, and weary of being carpet-bombed into oblivion by political ads this election season would do well to just turn the damn thing off."


GE’s Newest Refrigerator Filter is First to Remove Trace Pharmaceuticals from Water and Ice*

TVNL Comment: What does it tell you about how badly humans have poisoned the planed when GE markets a filter to remove things like progesterone from drinking water? Progesterone! Progesterone is a female hormone used in hormone replacement therapy and it is in our drinking water. Do you want to know why 8 year old girls are developing breasts? Can this explain gender confusion cases or even the cause of some homosexuality? We drink this water...pregnant women drink this water...what is the effect on a fetus? We are being poisoned...and we just ignore it.



Yovany Gonzalez's Wells Fargo Lawsuit Alleges Bank Fired Him, Cut Dying Daughter's Health Insurance

Yovany Gonzalez and his late daughter Mackenzie. GonzalezWells Fargo allegedly fired an employee because his dying daughter needed expensive cancer treatment, according to a lawsuit filed in Palm Beach County Court on Thursday.

Wells Fargo fired mortgage consultant Yovany Gonzalez three days before his daughter Mackenzie was scheduled to get cancer surgery in August of 2010, the lawsuit states. According to the suit, the hospital canceled the surgery because Mackenzie no longer was covered by health insurance. She died of cancer in March of 2011.


Parkinson’s Sufferer Arrested for ‘Not Smiling’ at Olympic Men’s Cycling Race

Mark Worsfold, 54, a martial-arts trainer who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, wants a “letter of exoneration” after what he claims was a gross over-reaction on the part of Surrey Police.

Worsfold explains, “I was sitting minding my own business…Before I knew anything the police grabbed me off this seven-foot wall, threw me to the floor and cuffed me so all I saw of the cycle race was between the feet of people from the pavement.”


Temple gunman's extremism grew in military

Wade Michael Page's white-supremacist leanings coalesced during his six years in the Army, including time at Fort Bragg, according to a researcher who knew the man who killed six people when he opened fire inside a religious temple over the weekend.

Page told Simi that he had some interaction with skinheads as a youth in Colorado, but he never identified himself with the movement until he was in the military. There, he met like-minded soldiers and began reading supremacist literature.



Right-Wing Terrorism Spotlighted By Sikh Attack Not Taken Seriously, Expert Says

Right wing terrorismA former Department of Homeland security analyst who left the government after conservatives pummeled his report warning of right-wing extremism's growing threat said that the weekend attack on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin didn't surprise him because "politics and personalities" stymie investigators from targeting non-Islamic militants.

"There are certain people in charge who made a decision and they stuck by that decision," said Daryl Johnson, who left DHS two years ago to form his own consulting company. "It's come at a cost and that’s the bottom line. Lives have been lost. Attacks continue to happen."


The Palestine Romney doesn’t know

Palestinian artI am a proud American. I am a hardworking businessman and job creator. I am a faithful Christian. And I am Palestinian.

Much as my multiple identities might drive Mitt Romney to head scratching, it is he who needs a lesson in, to borrow his recent words, “culture and a few other things.”

Were he to spend a day with me in the Holy Land, I could take him to the Jerusalem neighborhood where my family home has stood for five centuries. I could show him the orange trees in Jaffa that my family helped introduce to the world in the 1930s.


Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection

....That, my friends is a smoking gun. They are talking about introducing small particles into the atmosphere and then using HAARP to move them and the matter around them for the purpose of weather modification.

Located on an United States Air Force site near Gakona, Alaska, the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) is the world's largest and most functional ionospheric heater. Construction began in 1993. Today, HAARP can generate super high powered beams of directed energy. HAARP is designed to shoot these energy beams 200 kilometers up into the sky; affecting an area known as earth's ionosphere. In doing this, HAARP can perform a number of functions.


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