Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Bob Alexander: Irrelevant but not Meaningless

Irrelevant but not meaninglessI won’t vote for Barack Obama. I can’t vote for Barack Obama. And it’s not because he’s not liberal enough for me. I gave up on the idea of a progressive president before I was old enough to vote. No … the reason I won’t vote for Obama is because he’s just slightly less murderous than George W. Bush. And a man with bloody hands doesn’t have our best interests at heart.

So who will I vote for?  Who cares?


Prairie2: The Odds Are Not in Our Favor

Odds not in our favorAccording to the rocket scientists at NASA (and I mean that in the good way), we are at a point in climate change due to global warming that they were predicting in the '80s we wouldn't reach until the end of the 21st century. Not only that, but a phenomenon has developed that they didn't foresee.

Unusual weather events like extreme drought (think Dust Bowl in the '30s, 500 year floods) things that used to be rare, events only occurring 1 in a 1000 times, these extreme weather events are now happening 1 out of 10 times. The odds are that as more heat becomes available to drive these weather patterns, this will only get worse.


Alex Baer: The Good-Bad-Ugly & the Stupefying - Pt. 1

Clint EastwoodIt has seemed for some time now that the world is hellbent on making campaigns of conversions -- not involving religion or philosophy, but making sure all normal and usual events are taken and converted into gibberish, transmuted into the surreal, then sprayed back at us like transmogrified clouds of pesticides.

Case in point:  Clint Eastwood has come out for million dollar baby, Willard Romney, for President.

At first, I thought I'd accidentally tripped my bookmarked link for The Onion.  I double-checked the page logos and address bar:  Nope, the BBC.


Wal-Mart Selling GMO Corn Without Labeling It So

MonsantoComing soon to a Wal-Mart near you, Monsonta’s BT Sweet corn will be hidden in plain sight among all other corn products.

Most of the genetically-modified (GM) corn products forced on American consumers today are hidden in processed foods in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn oil, corn starch, and various other corn-based additives.


The Pentagon's Shocking Cover-Up Of The Afghan National Military Hospital Scandal

Afghanistan military hospitalTop U.S. commanders in Afghanistan waged a sophisticated public relations campaign to obscure horrific conditions at the Afghan National Military Hospital, according to former U.S. military officials, Congressional investigators, and new photographic evidence obtained by BuzzFeed.

The revelation is just one of the new details uncovered in a probe that has already triggered two Department of Defense investigations and one hearing by the House's Government Oversight Committee.


Hydraulic Fracturing Poses Substantial Water Pollution Risks, Analysts Say

fracking dangersRisk analysts have concluded that the disposal of contaminated wastewater from hydraulic fracturing (or "fracking") wells producing natural gas in the intensively developed Marcellus Shale region poses a substantial potential risk of river and other water pollution.

That conclusion, the analysts say, calls for regulators and others to consider additional mandatory steps to reduce the potential of drinking water contamination from salts and naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as uranium, radium and radon from the rapidly expanding fracking industry.


Killing children with X-ray images - Death by procedure

Children are more radio-sensitive than adults and children undergoing CT scans have triple the risk of leukemia and brain cancer after two or three CT scans according to a recent article in the Lancet. Doctors think the benefits usually outweigh their risks, but "radiation is known to carry a hard-to-calculate, elevated, long-term probability of induced cancers", according to Marta Hernanz-Schulman, MD, chair of the American College of Radiology Pediatric Imaging Commission.


Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath? Some employers and psychologists say staying away from social media is 'suspicious'

Facebook has become such a pervasive force in modern society that increasing numbers of employers, and even some psychologists, believe people who aren't on social networking sites are 'suspicious.'

The German magazine Der Taggspiegel went so far as to point out that accused theater shooter James Holmes and Norwegian mass murder Anders Behring Breivik have common ground in their lack of Facebook profiles.


Alex Baer: As Far Out as Uplifting Moments Can Go

VoyagerThe human species keeps experiencing threshold moments.  At times it seems everything's right on the brink.  This time, there's a nice change:  It's a good thing.  There's even a love story here, as sincere and big-hearted as space.

First, the news: Fans of sci-fi and science fact are coming up on a special moment:  knowing an object of human origin is about to move into interstellar space.

Nearly 35 years after launch, two Voyager spacecraft, sent aloft less than three weeks apart, in the summer of 1977, are thrumming along fine, and continue to send back intriguing accounts of their journeys.


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