Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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CREW Challenges Fox D.C. Licenses

Fox News ChannelOpens second front in effort have all News Corp. TV licenses revoked

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has petitioned the FCC to deny renewal of three Washington-area Fox-owned TV stations. The group had signaled the move last spring in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal in Britain.


Tasmania considers cigarette ban for anyone born after 2000

Tasmania to ban smoking The Australian state of Tasmania is considering a ban on cigarette sales to anyone born after the year 2000 in an attempt to create a smoking-free generation.

A week after Australia upheld its world-first laws plain packaging laws, Tasmania's upper house unanimously passed a motion to introduce the ban from 2018.


New York Fracking Protest Urges Cuomo To Ban Controversial Drilling

Anti Fracking protest - NYCOn the heels of Monday's report revealing New York state is set to allow hydraulic fracturing, over 350 people gathered outside a policy summit hosted by Governor Cuomo on Wednesday to protest the controversial plan.

The rally, a joint effort organized by CREDO Action and New Yorkers Against Fracking, hopes to sway the governor from going forward with the practice (better known as fracking) because of the irreparable environmental damages drilling may cause.


Congress Now Trying To Outlaw Reporting On Government Corruption

Lawmakers are pushing legislation through Congress that will criminalize reporting on illegal activities and corruption in the US government.

What makes this new legislation shocking is that we have seen the US government repeatedly use the “State Secrets” and the “National InSecurity card to suspend the Constitution at will to commit a wide variety of heinous activities from torture and indefinite detention without trial to outright forced drugging of prisoners and even repeated assassination by the government, of people including  US citizens, which is now being done on the direction of the United States’ first even assassination czar.


Rep. Steve King: I’ve Never Heard Of A Girl Getting Pregnant From Statutory Rape Or Incest

Steve KingRep. Steve King, one of the most staunchly conservative members of the House, was one of the few Republicans who did not strongly condemn Rep. Todd Akin Monday for his remarks regarding pregnancy and rape. King also signaled why — he might agree with parts of Akin’s assertion.

King told an Iowa reporter he’s never heard of a child getting pregnant from statutory rape or incest.


Crude, Dirty and Dangerous: Diluted Bitumen

DilbitEvery day more than one million barrels of oil flow to refineries in the United States from western Canada’s oil sands region. Producers hope to quadruple that amount in the next decade, arguing that oil from a friendly neighbor will deliver an extra degree of national security.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.


U.S. Army battling racists within its own ranks

Racists in US Army They call it "rahowa" - short for racial holy war - and they are preparing for it by joining the ranks of the world's fiercest fighting machine, the U.S. military.

White supremacists, neo-Nazis and skinhead groups encourage followers to enlist in the Army and Marine Corps to acquire the skills to overthrow what some call the ZOG - the Zionist Occupation Government. Get in, get trained and get out to brace for the coming race war.


Alex Baer: Starry-Eyed and Star-Crossed

FDR signs Social Security ActRoughly 77 years ago, a move was made to help all Americans -- help especially to those who were older, unlucky, unfortunate, and underage, find a little optimism in their thin soup.

August 14, 1935:  President Franklin Roosevelt signed Social Security into law.  It has become one of the country's most successful insurance and retirement programs.

No matter what Republicans might say, these are not entitlements because people have paid premiums into the system, just as they would any other insurance or retirement program.


No More Tears: Johnson & Johnson Cleans Up Its Act and Removes Carcinogens

Prompted by growing concerns raised by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, Johnson & Johnson makers of Aveeno, Neutrogena, and Johnson’s Baby Shampoo, announced today that it will be removing carcinogens and other toxic chemicals from its baby and adult products globally.

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, a national coalition of more than 175 nonprofit organizations working to protect the health of consumers and workers by eliminating dangerous chemicals from cosmetics, is led by the Breast Cancer Fund, Clean Water Action, Commonweal, Environmental Working Group, Friends of the Earth and Women’s Voices for the Earth.


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