Why didn't I want one of those jazzy new pieces of technology that are so wonderful for everyone? Once I began to do research, I was horrified by what I found. Utility companies and TDSPs nationwide continue to insist those meters are safe. Utility companies and TDSPs nationwide have billions of dollars at stake here. Below are but a drop in the bucket for the more than 2,000 peer reviewed papers and writings by the best experts in the field worldwide.
“The Board of the AAEM opposes the installation of smart meters in homes and schools based on scientific assessment of the current medical literature. The current medical literature raises credible questions about genetic and cellular effects, hormonal effects, male fertility, blood/brain barrier damage and increased risk of certain types of cancers from RF or ELF levels similar to those emitted from smart meters. The Board of AAEM finds it unacceptable from a public health standpoint to implement this technology until these serious medical concerns are resolved. We consider a moratorium on installation of wireless smart meters to be an issue of the highest importance.”
Dr. Magda Havas, Assoc. Prof. of Environmental Resource Studies at Trent University (Canada) who does research on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation has served as an expert witness in both Canada and the U.S. regarding health effects associated with electromagnetic exposure wrote on October 12, 2010 that growing numbers in population are experiencing severe migraines, fatigue, weakness, inability to make decisions, loss of hair, pain in muscles and in the heart region, breathlessness, sexual problems and even a decrease in lactation in nursing mothers.