Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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A System From Hell

It was a crisp and brilliant autumn day last October when the medical and financial crises with which my family had successfully, if barely, coped for seven years became a catastrophe.


Something is Rotten at PBS

The documentary that resulted – Sick Around America – aired Monday night on PBS.

But even though Reid did the reporting for the film, he was cut out of the film when it aired this week.

And the film didn’t present Reid’s bottom line for health care reform – don’t let health insurance companies profit from selling basic health insurance.


DuPont Magically Granted Three-Year Extension on Safety Testing of PFOA (Teflon)

The Environmental Appeals Board of the U.S. federal government has granted the DuPont corporation a three-year extension on its obligation to conduct a comprehensive assessment of a widely used chemical believed to expose consumers to the toxic substance perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).


U.S. shipped 989 munitions containers to Israel week before Gaza invasion

In the dying days of the Bush administration, and a week before Israel launched an aerial bombing campaign, followed by a land invasion of the Gaza Strip, the U.S. military shipped 989 containers of munitions to Israel.


Facebook Warns Ex-Employees Not To Talk To Moviemakers

Former Facebook employees tell us the company sent out letters warning them not to talk to "West Wing" creator Aaron Sorkin, who -- his publicist tells us -- is still working on a movie about the social network's founding.

With Facebook's many cofounders, controversial origins, and various legal battles, we're sure its founding story would make a good movie -- especially if reports are true that it's based on Ben Mezerich's gleefully fictious account of a bad boy Mark Zuckerberg.


Obama to Appeal Detainee Ruling

The Obama administration said Friday that it would appeal a district court ruling that granted some military prisoners in Afghanistan the right to file lawsuits seeking their release. The decision signaled that the administration was not backing down in its effort to maintain the power to imprison terrorism suspects for extended periods without judicial oversight.

TVNL Comment: How is that for change?


America's Imperial Wars: We Need to See the Sickening Reality

Today, while the internet makes it possible to find similar information about the conflicts in the world in which the US is participating, either as primary combatant or as the chief provider of arms, as in Gaza, one actually has to make a concerted effort to look for them. The corporate media which provide the information that most Americans simply receive passively on the evening news or at breakfast over coffee carefully avoid showing us most of the graphic horror inflicted by our military machine.


Drinking Water Threatened: TVA Tries to Hide Information About Water Contamination from Massive Coal Spill

The Tennessee Valley Authority manipulated science methods to downplay water contamination caused by a massive coal ash disaster, according to independent technical experts and critics of the federally funded electrical company.

The TVA is the largest public provider of electricity in the nation, providing power to 670,000 homes and burning through some 14,000 tons of coal per day. On December 22 the authority made headlines when one of its retention ponds collapsed, letting loose an avalanche of coal ash -- the toxic residue left over when coal is burned. More than 5 million cubic yards of ashy mud pushed its way through a neighborhood and into Tennessee's Emory River, knocked houses off foundations and blanketed river water with plumes of gray scum that flowed downstream.



Workers' council is the phenomenon where a single place of work, such as a factory, school, or farm, is controlled collectively by the workers of that workplace. Basically an elected group of workers from that workplace function as the manager. Therefore, management reflects employee values and goals.


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