Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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US court dismisses smoking appeal

The US Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal by cigarette maker Philip Morris over a $79.5m (£56m) award to the widow of a long-time Oregon smoker.

The court upheld a 1999 ruling by the Oregon Supreme Court in favour of Mayola Williams.


VIDEO: Red State/Blue State: How the Media Tear Our Nation Apart

The founder of gives a brief explanation of how the establishment media create and maintain the false perception that our nation is divided into two opposing political communities.

In a final plea Jesse Richard asks all Americans: "Help me tear down that wall, the wall between information and the American public, - the wall known as the establishment media!"


Soldiers: Army forced us to deploy despite health woes

A recent Army inspector general's report says the process for deciding a soldier's fitness for combat is so confusing that it increases the chance of sending ailing troops to war.

They describe a climate where commanders constantly pressure soldiers with health issues to deploy, even when their medical records — which they provided — show physical problems.


Chicago Sun-Times owner files for bankruptcy

The Sun-Times Media Group, owner of the Chicago Sun-Times and dozens of suburban newspapers, filed for bankruptcy reorganization Tuesday, making it the fifth U.S. newspaper publisher to seek protection from creditors in recent months.

The step, brought on by a precipitous decline in advertising revenue, means both of Chicago's major daily newspapers are operating under bankruptcy protection. Tribune Co., the parent company of the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times and other newspapers, filed for bankruptcty in December.


Taliban Leader: We're Planning Attack On D.C. "Soon"

The commander of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility Tuesday for a deadly assault on a Pakistani police academy and said the group was planning a terrorist attack on the U.S. capital.

Baitullah Mehsud, who has a $5 million bounty on his head from the U.S., said Monday's attack outside the eastern city of Lahore was in retaliation for U.S. missile strikes against militants along the Afghan border.

"Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world," Mehsud told The Associated Press by phone. He provided no details.

TVNL Comment: So he announces the attack in advance, just like anyone who is planning a surprise attack. That sounds realistic, right?


'Worse than the Taliban' - new law rolls back rights for Afghan women

Hamid Karzai has been accused of trying to win votes in Afghanistan's presidential election by backing a law the UN says legalises rape within marriage and bans wives from stepping outside their homes without their husbands' permission.


'Tell Her the Truth' - a play about Gaza

Israel's recent bombing and ground invasion of the Gaza Strip, Operation Cast Lead, killed 1,417 Palestinians; thirteen Israelis were killed, five by friendly fire. Thousands of Palestinians were seriously wounded and left without adequate medical care, shelter or food. Among the Palestinian dead, more than 400 were children. In response to this devastation, Caryl Churchill wrote a play.


'Get a good lawyer,' lawyer tells former Bush official

After a former Bush official responded to a lawyer who's suing him for alleged torture at Guantanamo Bay, the lawyer has fired back in kind.

Douglas Feith, former undersecretary of defense under President George W. Bush, is accused by Spanish human rights lawyers of providing legal cover to Bush policies under which detainees were tortured. The lawyers want to try a number of Bush officials -- among them former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales -- in Spanish court.


Israel Ends Inquiry Into Abuse in Gaza

The Israeli military said Monday that its advocate general had decided to close an investigation into allegations of abuses by soldiers during the recent campaign in Gaza. The allegations arose from the accounts of soldiers at a conference of graduates of a premilitary course at an academic college in northern Israel.


TVNL Comment: Never mind the testimony of the soldiers who witnessed the abuse.  It's over.  End of story.  Israel never does anything wrong.  

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