Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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Filmmaker Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax"

On Sept. 11 2001, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing post-production work in Washington DC when he heard about the "terrorist" attack.  He visited the crash-site just five hours after impact and could plainly see the official story was a lie.

"There was no passenger jet wreckage; the lawn wasn't scorched; lamp posts, fences and construction materials in the path of the jet were untouched." Cross told me.  "If this was a hoax, then the attack on the World Trade Centre was also a hoax."

Cross, 45, characterizes his pre-9-11 self as a "flag- waving patriot" who "voted Republican all my life."


Israel admits killing 189 children in Gaza campaign

The survey was disclosed as Benjamin Netanyahu, the incoming prime minister, presented himself as a peacemaker and assured Palestinians that his government would be their "partner".

Even as Mr Netanyahu was addressing the conference, however, Israel's Army Radio reported that he had agreed to build more homes inside Jewish settlements on the West Bank inside an area known as E-1, a few miles east of Jerusalem. Construction in this vital region could sever the West Bank in two, making the creation of a viable Palestinian state even more difficult.

The radio station said this was part of a secret agreement with Avigdor Lieberman, the leader of the nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party, who is likely to be foreign minister in the new coalition.


Debate Over Drugs For ADHD Reignites

New data from a large federal study have reignited a debate over the effectiveness of long-term drug treatment of children with hyperactivity or attention-deficit disorder, and have drawn accusations that some members of the research team have sought to play down evidence that medications do little good beyond 24 months.

The study also indicated that long-term use of the drugs can stunt children's growth.


VIDEO: Ron Paul is Not Alone. FINALLY, Senators Speak Honestly About the Federal Reserve

Attention Ron Paul supporters, and "End the Federal Reserve" finally may have some more politicians willing to stand up to the Federal Reserve! While they might not be going for the jugular, it appears that a few brave souls are trying to kick down the iron curtain hiding the money masters at the Federal Reserve.


As New Lawyer, Senator Defended Big Tobacco

The Philip Morris Company did not like to talk about what went on inside its lab in Cologne, Germany, where researchers secretly conducted experiments exploring the effects of cigarette smoking.

So when the Justice Department tried to get its hands on that research in 1996 to prove that tobacco industry executives had lied about the dangers of smoking, the company moved to fend off the effort with the help of a highly regarded young lawyer named Kirsten Rutnik.

Ms. Rutnik, who now goes by her married name, Gillibrand, threw herself into the work. She traveled to Germany at least twice, interviewing the lab’s top scientists, whose research showed a connection between smoking and cancer but was kept far from public view.


Tesla unveils groundbreaking electric car

US automaker Tesla Motors unveiled its state-of-the-art five-seat sedan here Thursday, billed as the world's first mass-produced, highway-capable electric car.

The futuristic zero-emission vehicle will be powered by lithium-ion battery packs capable of between 160 and 300 miles (257 and 482 kilometers) per charge.

The car has an anticipated base price of 57,400 dollars but will cost less than 50,000 after a federal tax credit of 7,500 dollars, Musk said.

"What we really wanted to show the car industry is that it is possible to create a compelling electric car at a compelling price," Musk said. "We hope the industry will follow our lead."



GOVERNMENT plans for an army of 60,000 Britons to protect against terror threats are a farce, it emerged today.

Gordon Brown claimed at the weekend that the volunteers would be "trained and equipped" to deal with and prevent a terror attack.

But the Daily Express can reveal that the so-called training consists of a "multimedia simulation" and a group discussion.

The entire event lasts just three hours - including coffee.


Justice Department Announces Agreement to Protect Rights of Military and Overseas Voters in New York Special Congressional Election

The Justice Department today announced that it has reached agreement with New York officials to help ensure that military service members and other U.S. citizens living overseas have the opportunity to vote in the state's March 31, 2009, special election in the 20th Congressional District.

The lawsuit was filed in federal district court yesterday against the state of New York, Gov. David A. Paterson and the state board of elections under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA). The action seeks emergency relief for the upcoming election and a permanent remedy to ensure UOCAVA voters are not disenfranchised in future special federal elections.

Army vet billed $3,000 for war wounds

Erik Roberts, an Army sergeant who was wounded in Iraq, underwent his 13th surgery recently to save his right leg from amputation. Imagine his shock when he got a bill for $3,000 for his treatment.

"I put my life on the line and I was wounded in combat, and I came back and they're not going to take care of my medical bills?"

TVNL Comment: This nation has never supported the troops. Funding wars means funding war profiteers. That's all it ever meant and that is all it ever will be because war is nothing more than business.


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