Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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Obama DOJ Ignoring Evidence of Thermite from WTC

It means that there is proof (which so far no one has attempted to refute) that the WTC buildings (and more than three thousand lives, counting the ongoing deaths of first responders and ordinary NYC citizens caused by the dust) were brought down by controlled demolition in a planned and purposeful manner by elements of the Bush Administration, most likely as a ‘catalyzing event’ , the new Pearl Harbor’ fondly mentioned by neo-con PNAC (Plan for the New American Century) and designed to galvanize American citizens in support of attacking other nations and restricting human rights at home. ‘Full Specter Domination’.


Worst warming impacts avoidable if ...

So what would the world's temperatures, and the planet, look like in 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions continued as is? And if they were cut by 70 percent?

Researchers at a well-known climate center asked those questions and used a computer model to conclude that it'd be catastrophic if unchecked, but manageable if the world could reduce gases by that much.


California's new power source a solar farm

California's next source of renewable power could be an orbiting set of solar panels, high above the equator, that would beam electricity back to Earth via a receiving station in Fresno County.

Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has agreed to buy power from a startup company that wants to tap the strong, unfiltered sunlight found in space to solve the growing demand for clean energy.


The Bush Six to Be Indicted

Spanish prosecutors have decided to press forward with a criminal investigation targeting former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and five top associates over their role in the torture of five Spanish citizens held at Guantánamo, several reliable sources close to the investigation have told The Daily Beast. Their decision is expected to be announced on Tuesday before the Spanish central criminal court, the Audencia Nacional, in Madrid.



That's right, according to AP tonight, following the just released final ruling [PDF] from the 3-judge election contest court in Minnesota, Senator-elect Al Franken (D-MN) is not the "winner" of the election. Rather, he's merely the "leading vote-getter."

Are they kidding?! "Leading vote-getter"?! Apparently not.

Will that be how AP reports the results of elections on Election Nights from now on?


How Can You Kill A Planet...And Still Live On It?

As human beings continue their destructive rampage around the planet, they find themselves facing accelerating dilemmas on every continent. No one can deny quickening traumas facing humanity in the 21st century. Humans spew billions of tons of toxic air into the atmosphere while they plasticize the oceans, cut down the forests and tamper with nature's environmental balancing systems.


Federal Authority Over the Internet? The Cybersecurity Act of 2009

Essentially, the Act would federalize critical infrastructure security. Since many of our critical infrastructure systems (banks, telecommunications, energy) are in the hands of the private sector, the bill would create a major shift of power away from users and companies to the federal government. This is a potentially dangerous approach that favors the dramatic over the sober response.


'Vote flipping' was not unexpected

The electronic voting machines that recorded votes to the wrong candidates in Salina on Tuesday are of a type that has a history of erratic behavior. In fact, the state of Kansas was warned in October 2008 that the problem might occur.

Saline County Clerk Don Merriman said Wednesday that he believes the misrecorded votes were the result of a calibration problem.

TVNL Comment: Do you own a calculator that does nothing but add? How about a full functioning calculator? Has it ever needed calibration?


They've got your number

Every call made, email sent and website visited is now being logged under new regulations. What does that mean for investigative journalists - and their need to protect sources?

Want to be an investigative journalist of the future? You'll need a pen and paper, pay-as-you-go phone, and a motorbike. We'll explain the motorbike later. But you may be an endangered species. New regulations that came into force last week - requiring telephone and internet companies to keep logs of what numbers are called, and which websites and email services and internet telephony contacts are made - have left some wondering if investigative journalism, with its need to protect sources (and its sources' need, often, for protection), has been dealt a killer blow.


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