Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update09:12:40 PM GMT

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Obama open to prosecution, probe of interrogations

President Barack Obama said Tuesday the United States lost "our moral bearings" with gruesome terror-suspect interrogations and left the door open to prosecuting Bush administration officials who vouched for their legality.

At the same time, Obama said the question of whether to bring charges "is going to be more of a decision for the attorney general within the parameters of various laws and I don't want to prejudge that." The president discussed the continuing issue of terrorism-era interrogation tactics with reporters as he finished an Oval Office meeting with visiting King Abdullah of Jordan.


In Iraq, 'Everybody knows somebody killed by the war'

What America will leave behind in Iraq, at least in broad terms, is still unknown, but Iraqis already are living with what's sure to remain the war's most personal vestige: the absence of the dead. Almost no Iraqi has escaped that trauma.

No comprehensive, reliable civilian body count exists
, but so many people have been killed in the past six years that it's nearly impossible to find an Iraqi who doesn't know someone who died violently, either because of actions by American troops or, far more commonly, in the widespread bloodletting that the invasion triggered.


Former Catholic priest accuses another of abusing him as a teen

A former Roman Catholic priest accused another former priest today of sexually abusing him in the rectory of a La Habra church when he was a teenager.

In a lawsuit filed in Santa Ana Superior Court, Ben Rodriguez, 45, said he was molested numerous times between the ages of 15 and 18 in the priest’s church apartment. On some occasions, the priest gave him muscle relaxants and sleeping pills before the abuse, Rodriguez alleged.


Glenn Beck - Disinformation Weasel Boy

For those of you that are veterans in the “Information Wars” you will recall that in 2007 Glenn Beck equated Ron Paul supporters with terrorists and people “like Timothy McVeigh.”

Now our “great friend of Liberty” Glenn Beck is telling us that there is no such thing as FEMA camps, and that it is completely debunked - his chief source of information - “Popular Mechanics” the Hearst publication.  If you look up “Yellow Journalism” in Wikipedia- you will learn all about how Hearst Publications operate.


Gonzales Stopped FBI Probe Of Rep. Harman Because He 'Needed Jane' To Support Warrantless Wiretapping

CQ's Jeff Stein reports that sometime before the 2006 elections, the National Security Agency wiretapped Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA) offering a quid pro quo to unnamed Israeli agents: Harman would lobby the Justice Department to "reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee," while the Israelis would lobby soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to name Harman chair of the Intelligence Committee.


Of Black Holes and Radio Silence

A former prosecutor examines the special prosecutor debate.

There is no doubt that sometime in 2002 - if not before - Bush administration officials and their lawyers began orchestrating a torture campaign, which they calculatedly attempted to justify through specious legal memos. They continued to abuse prisoners, and to conceal that mistreatment from Congress and the public, through at least 2008. In all of this conduct, they have committed grave crimes for which they must be held accountable. I believe this to be a national imperative of the highest order.


420: Thoughts on Pot vs. Alcohol from a Former Police Chief

Our professional experiences have led us to conclude that the more dangerous an illicit substance--from crack to krank--the greater the justification for its legalization, regulation, and control. It is the prohibition of drugs that leads inexorably to high rates of death, disease, crime, and addiction.

Back to booze vs. pot. How do the effects of these two drugs stack up against specific health and public safety factors?


US Senate panel to look at future of newspapers

"The increase in media conglomerates has resulted in an increase in agenda-driven reporting and over time, if those of us who value a diversity of opinion and ideas, and are unafraid to be confronted with pointed commentary and analysis, do not act, it is a situation which will only get worse," Kerry wrote. The senator has received political endorsements over the years from the Globe's editorial page, which is operated separately from its news-gathering operation.


'IDF soldiers forced to take part in medical experiment'

Less than a month after an expert panel accused the defense establishment of "grave ethical failures" in testing an experimental anthrax vaccine on hundreds of soldiers, Israel Radio revealed Sunday that soldiers from the Duhifat Battalion were forced to participate in another experiment 15 years ago.


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