Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update09:12:40 PM GMT

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Faux 'Prevention' & The Cancer Industrial Complex

If you want to measurably assist your MD's conventional cancer therapy by improving that therapy's efficacy - perhaps reducing the need for same... or even prevent the original cancer altogether -yes, astonishingly- there are polarizing foods, foods apart from the same old tired LIES of a conflicted "conventional wisdom": foods that you should avoid and foods, reader, which you should consume...

'New' evidence of secret CIA detention site in Poland reported by Raw Story 2 years ago...

Der Spiegel reports this morning of 'new' evidence of a torture prison housed at the Polish military airbase of Stare Kiejkuty, north of Szymany. It's certainly an important revelation, and it was just as important in March 2007 when Raw Story originally identified Stare Kiejkuty as being part of the CIA's secret rendition and detention program.


Free Speech TV Gags Independent National Newscast

The Free Speech TV network (FSTV), widely perceived as a progressive broadcast provider, has undermined and provoked its daily evening news show to cancel production. "The International News Net" (INN), now in its seventh year as a premiere source of high-quality, in-depth daily reporting on world affairs was forced to quit through a pattern of discriminatory revenue and scheduling practices. These include selective blocking of the viewer donor base, discriminatory revenue-sharing, and exclusion from prime-time scheduling in key communities.

TVNL COMMENT: I worked with INN and these guys are the real deal. This is an alarming turn of events and the public should take notice. - Jesse Richard - Founder,


New evidence of a secret torture prison

It has long been clear that the CIA used the Szymany military airbase in Poland for extraordinary renditions. Now there is new evidence of a secret torture prison nearby.

It was apparently here, just under an hour's drive from Szymany airport, that Sheikh Mohammed was tortured exactly 183 times with waterboarding -- an interrogation technique that simulates the sensation of drowning -- in March 2003 alone. That averages out to eight times a day. And all of this happened right here in Europe.

Over six years later, these acts of torture are putting President Obama under intense pressure. On the one hand, he released four memos in which his predecessor George W. Bush had legalized such interrogation methods. On the other hand, he decided not to prosecute the torturers. And he initially neglected to launch investigations into these "special interrogation methods."


US offshores 22,000 green jobs to India

As the Obama government gets ready to raise a protectionist wall against offshoring, the US firms seem to be shipping more jobs to India.

The US firms have offshored 22,000 green technology jobs to India since January 1, 2009, Doug Brown, co-author of the influential 2009 Green Outsourcing Report, informed TNIE.


How ’07 ABC Interview Tilted a Torture Debate

In late 2007, there was the first crack of daylight into the government’s use of waterboarding during interrogations of Al Qaeda detainees. On Dec. 10, John Kiriakou, a former C.I.A. officer who had participated in the capture of the suspected terrorist Abu Zubaydah in Pakistan in 2002, appeared on ABC News to say that while he considered waterboarding a form of torture, the technique worked and yielded results very quickly.

Mr. Zubaydah started to cooperate after being waterboarded for “probably 30, 35 seconds,” Mr. Kiriakou told the ABC reporter Brian Ross. “From that day on he answered every question.” His claims — unverified at the time, but repeated by dozens of broadcasts, blogs and newspapers — have been sharply contradicted by a newly declassified Justice Department memo that said waterboarding had been used on Mr. Zubaydah “at least 83 times.”


FOX won’t air Obama’s press conference

So, he’s been in office for 100 days. One network’s reaction? Big deal….

President Obama’s got yet another prime time press conference scheduled — this one for Wednesday night — and the FOX network is saying enough’s enough. They’re opting out.


Joe Wilson Demands Dick Cheney Come Clean About Scooter Libby and Plame

Dick Cheney has called for declassifying memos he claims will vindicate the Bush administration’s torture policy. Now former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV urges the former vice president to extend his demand for transparency to his still-secret testimony in the Scooter Libby obstruction of justice case.


Flu Bug

By 2005, we lost 40 micro-biologists in less than 4 years, all under suspicious circumstances, and during this time someone discovered that they were all working for the government, or government contractors, on projects related to bio-terrorism, flu pandemics, or anthrax. Obviously they weren’t trying to find a cure for anything, or there would be no need to silence them.


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