Saturday, Sep 28th

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Open Questions on a Closed Case

After reading the affidavits and listening to the Justice Department briefing, I was both disheartened and perplexed by the lack of physical evidence supporting a conviction.

Dr. Ivins was a friend and colleague of mine for nearly 16 years. We worked together at Fort Detrick. He was a senior scientist, and I was, first, a bench scientist and, from 1999 to 2003, the chief of the bacteriology division.


TVNL Comment:  This OpEd article is a very important read for anyone who still believes for a moment that the FBI has made a legitimate case against Dr. Ivins. 

The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today

In the immediate aftermath of the bomb, the allied occupation authorities banned all mention of radiation poisoning and insisted that people had been killed or injured only by the bomb's blast. It was the first big lie.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a criminal act on an epic scale. It was premeditated mass murder that unleashed a weapon of intrinsic criminality.

The most enduring lie is that the atomic bomb was dropped to end the war in the Pacific and save lives. "Even without the atomic bombing attacks," concluded the United States Strategic Bombing Survey of 1946, "air supremacy over Japan could have exerted sufficient pressure to bring about unconditional surrender and obviate the need for invasion. Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey's opinion that ... Japan would have surrendered even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated."


Follow This Dime: Why Misgovernment Was No Accident in George W. Bush's Washington

Yes, today's conservatives have disgraced themselves, but they have not strayed from the teaching of their forefathers or the great ideas of their movement. When conservatives appoint the opponents of government agencies to head those government agencies; when they auction their official services to the purveyor of the most lavish "golf weekend"; when they mulct millions from groups with business before Congress; when they dynamite the Treasury and sabotage the regulatory process and force government shutdowns - in short, when they treat government with contempt - they are running true to form. They have not done these awful things because they are bad conservatives; they have done them because they are good conservatives, because these unsavory deeds follow naturally from the core doctrines of the conservative tradition.


The Death Of Freedom

History will record that taking a five week paid-leave of absence at the beginning of August 2008, just at the time when Impeachment proceedings were getting underway: even though the "hearings" were held in secret sessions ­ pretty much sums up the continued failures of this congress to faithfully conduct the public's business, especially "in a time of war."

Where are the journalistic demands for explanations; where is the rage or the outrage, now that another war is pending during yet another congressional vacation! That's right-with everyone out- of-town, who will be there to object when and if the ill-conceived moment in Iran is seized during the next five weeks-especially since there is no constitutional mandate for congress to leave town just because they can't face the things that they were sworn to deal with in a timely manner! This is cowardice in the face of reality and in an elected official that may be 'natural' but it's still unforgiveable!


Has America Become Fascist?

Webster's defines fascism as "a totalitarian governmental system led by a dictator and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism, militarism, and often racism." A comparison of 20th century fascist and communist regimes with President Bush's USA indicates the machinery for a full-blown totalitarian takeover is now in place, even if no coup has occurred. As Naomi Wolf writes in "The End of America"(Chelsea Green) the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill's Section 333 allows the president "to declare martial law and take charge of the National Guard troops without the permission of a governor when 'public order' has been lost" and to "send the guard into our streets during a public health emergency, terrorist attack or 'other condition.'"

"The president and his lawyers now claim the authority to designate any American citizen he chooses as being an 'enemy combatant,'" 

Thus, Congress has empowered Bush just as Germany's Reichstag empowered Hitler, Wolf writes, recalling Hitler's boast, "Democracy will be overthrown with the tools of democracy." Hitler's Interior Minister issued Clause 2 that gave police the power to hold people in custody indefinitely and without a court order, powers the U.S. Congress today has conferred upon "The Decider" in the White House. Mussolini's used the less grandiose "Il Duce" or "The Leader."


The World's Foremost Terrorist - The US Government

There is nothing that George W Bush, McCain or Obama can do to change the tide now...for it has turned into a tsunami against America. The Grand Chessboard game is over, finished, and the US has lost in a rout. Our nation has blown through trillions of dollars (of new debt) with little to nothing accomplished to pursue a bogus, contrived war that was designed to take over in excess of $15 trillion in Caspian Basin oil and natural gas. The sheer cost of the failed 'war' and scheme to take over the Caspian Basin has ruined the value of the dollar, buried the US in debt and a myriad of ancillary problems, skyrocketed the cost of oil, utilities, food, and shredded the reputation of the United States around the world.  By any measure, it is a catastrophe.


In a War Riddled with Lies, Pvt. LaVena Johnson "Committed Suicide" and "Was Not Brutally Raped and Murdered"

The military's casualty liaison told the Johnson family she committed suicide, found dead in her barracks with a gunshot wound to the head. However, two separate contacts told LaVena's father, Dr. John Johnson, that she was found dead in a contractor's tent. Allegedly, a trail of blood led from the contractor's tent into her tent, suggesting she was dragged there. Her tent was lit on fire, according to the witness who found her body.

This was back in July 2005. Over the years, more information has slowly come to light. Some of the evidence that contradicted the Army's version of events was obvious.

Buzzflash analysis... 

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