ome day in the not-too-distant future, someone will pen a book called Who Wrecked America ? If the book is honest, fingers will be pointed at the crooks and liars in Washington DC and Wall Street, at lobbyists (pimps) and Congressmen (whores), at bankers and war toy makers, at AIPAC and PNAC, at presidents, executives and generals.
Doubtful that anyone will conclude that Iran had much to do with the destruction of America .
The American media certainly threatens me far more than Iran . Covert threat rather than overt. By continuously spreading false propaganda for a series of profitable yet fraudulent wars, the US mainstream media does as much or more to wreck this country than any US president. Pundits lament that fewer Americans read the newspaper anymore. Critic Rick Shenkman calls us woodenheaded or boneheaded for our ignorance but fails to note a far more serious form of American ignorance called subtle brainwashing. By selectively reporting and slanting the "news," the corporate-owned US media is no different than a cabal of mullahs bent on controlling the behavior and opinion of the populace.