Thursday, Dec 26th

Last update09:02:29 AM GMT

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The Death Of Freedom

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History will record that taking a five week paid-leave of absence at the beginning of August 2008, just at the time when Impeachment proceedings were getting underway: even though the "hearings" were held in secret sessions ­ pretty much sums up the continued failures of this congress to faithfully conduct the public's business, especially "in a time of war."

Where are the journalistic demands for explanations; where is the rage or the outrage, now that another war is pending during yet another congressional vacation! That's right-with everyone out- of-town, who will be there to object when and if the ill-conceived moment in Iran is seized during the next five weeks-especially since there is no constitutional mandate for congress to leave town just because they can't face the things that they were sworn to deal with in a timely manner! This is cowardice in the face of reality and in an elected official that may be 'natural' but it's still unforgiveable!


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