Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update07:16:40 AM GMT

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'Shy' children at risk of being diagnosed with mental disorder

Psychologists say that new guidelines being developed in America will lead more young people seeing their common problems regarded as illnesses that must be treated, rather than just being given support.

They fear that pupils who are quiet at school could be diagnosed with “social anxiety disorder” while those who become withdrawn after suffering a bereavement are classified as having a “depressive disorder”.

Children who just talk back to adults or lose their temper regularly could be diagnosed with “oppositional defiant disorder”.


Two Charts that Prove the Government is Making You Sick

As you can see, the U.S. outspends every other industrialized nation on its health care, yet it is dead last in life expectancy compared to its peers. It's also the most vaccinated country in the world. Yet a ground-breaking study recently revealed that countries that give the most vaccines have the worst infant death rates, again, with the U.S. leading the pack. Sadly, these trends aren't limited to the U.S. – the truth is too many people in industrialized nations are sick – and getting sicker.


This Vitamin is So Extraordinary, It's Regulated by Government Agencies

Danish scientist, Dr. Henrik Dam, discovered vitamin K in 1929. The ‘K’ is for ‘koagulation’ – essential for blood clotting.* But it only starts there.

Vitamin K is unique because it has multiple effects in your body, but doesn’t demonstrate any known toxicity. With research focused on potential effects on your skeletal system, brain, liver, and pancreas, vitamin K is one of the most promising nutrients of our time.


New Libyan army leader said to have CIA ties

Khalifa HifterFormer Libyan military officers packed an auditorium here on Wednesday to listen to the man who has been appointed to lead the country's army as the leaders of the movement that deposed dictator Moammar Gadhafi's last month attempt to consolidate their control.

But leading the discussion wasn't the man most Western news reporters have focused on in recent weeks, Hakim Belhaj, the leader of rebel forces in Tripoli and a former member of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, who was imprisoned by Gadhafi after the CIA captured him in Southeast Asia in 2004.


Cocaine, Affairs, and the Other Crazy Stuff in the New Palin Book

Sarah PalinJoe McGinniss's book on Sarah Palin is finally here. After years of hype, The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin does not disappoint, offering the kind of salacious allegations you'd expect from a guy who'd move next door to Palin to write a book about her. What's in it? Cocaine, a one-night stand with a basketball hero, a love triangle.


Abuse Victims Seek Court Case Against Pope

Pope Benedict XVIClergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests have turned to the International Criminal Court, seeking an investigation of the pope and top Vatican cardinals for possible crimes against humanity. The Vatican called the move a "ludicrous publicity stunt."

The Center for Constitutional Rights, a New York-based nonprofit legal group, requested the inquiry Tuesday on behalf of the U.S.-based Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, arguing that the global church has maintained a "long-standing and pervasive system of sexual violence" despite promises to swiftly oust predators.(See more on controversial study into Catholic church abuse.)


Anti-Abortion Leader Suspended Over Financial Suspicions

Father Frank PavoneFather Frank Pavone, one of the country's most visible and vocal opponents of abortion, has been suspended from active ministry outside the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, over financial questions about his operation of Priests for Life.

The suspension was made public in a Sept. 9 letter from Amarillo Bishop Patrick J. Zurek to his fellow bishops across the country, but Father Pavone told Catholic News Service that he was returning to Amarillo and planned to continue functioning as a priest there.


Missing: Tons of US-Supplied Nuclear Weapons Material

Tons of nuclear material missingThe United States cannot fully account for more than 16,000 kilograms tons of weapons-grade uranium and plutonium that it has shipped to 27 "friendly" countries in recent decades, and it lacks any coherent policy to track down the materials, a Government Accountability Office report concluded late last week.

In fact, according to auditors, the country's atomic accounting is so shoddy that the International Atomic Energy Agency—the same agency sent to search for Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction—could potentially find the United States in violation of its international anti-proliferation treaty obligations.


Issa: We Won’t Investigate News Corp’s Alleged Hacking Of 9/11 Victims Because We Don’t Want To Pick On The Media

Darrell IssaEarlier this week, Oversight Committee Ranking Member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) along with other members of his panel called on Oversight chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) to probe News Corporation over allegations that the company broke the Foreign Corrupt Practices Law and may have even hacked the phones of victims of the 9/11 tragedy.

Yesterday on Fox News, a subsidiary of News Corp, Issa responded to those calls by claiming that (1) the Justice Department is investigating the matter so he doesn’t need to, (2) it is not his responsibility to look into an issue that occurred “in another country,” and (3) the “most inappropriate” course of action would be “picking on media”:


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