Tuesday, Oct 08th

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Occupy Wall Street Day 5: This is What Democracy Looks Like

Wall Street protest - day fiveAfter yesterday’s rain and violent arrests, I’m afraid of what to expect as I approach Liberty Plaza for the fifth day of Occupy Wall Street. Mainstream media report that numbers have dwindled; our own media’s livestream was shut down yesterday while people were arrested for trying to cover the equipment with tarps. I am bracing myself for a sad, soggy, mess.

I arrive and it’s beautiful. Everything is cleaner, more organized and more vibrant than I left it. Spirits are high in the General Assembly (GA) and even nature is cooperating, lending us a little sunlight.


Fracking Jobs? N.Y. Residents Need not Apply

Fracking - no jobs for NYersThink fracking for natural gas means jobs? Think again.

In a new assessment of fracking's potential and risks, the New York state Department of Environmental Conservation projects that if the natural gas industry is permitted to conduct hydraulic fracturing to exploit the state's gas-rich shale deposits, less than a quarter of the jobs would go to people who live in the state.


Particles found to break speed of light

Hadron colliderAn international team of scientists said on Thursday they had recorded sub-atomic particles traveling faster than light -- a finding that could overturn one of Einstein's long-accepted fundamental laws of the universe.

Antonio Ereditato, spokesman for the researchers, told Reuters that measurements taken over three years showed neutrinos pumped from CERN near Geneva to Gran Sasso in Italy had arrived 60 nanoseconds quicker than light would have done.


Congress Moves To Punish Palestinians, But Even Israel Objects

Congress moves to punish PalestiniansA congressional drive to punish the Palestinian Authority for its statehood bid by cutting American aid is being greeted with enthusiasm by lawmakers of both parties.

But the White House is giving the move a cold shoulder, and even Israel itself and its strongest supporters have serious reservations. The legislation being discussed in Congress would cut all or part of the nearly $600 million annual aid package if Palestinians move ahead with their plan to seek statehood at the United Nations.


For-Profit Company Oversaw Davis's Execution, Had Prompted Complaint for Illegal Purchase of Lethal Injection Drugs

Execution by lethal injectionThe tragic debacle that has been the Troy Davis execution has another dimension to it beyond racism, classism, and the miscarriage of justice in a flawed system. That dimension is capitalism, specifically, the corporatization of the prison-industrial complex.

If you've noticed some angry tweets directed at @correcthealth, that's because 'CorrectHealth" is the Orwellian-named "medical company" that, according to the ACLU, "oversees all executions in Georgia" including last night's. It is a for-profit company that stands to make a pile money off of every execution.


NYPD eyed US citizens in intel effort

NYPD targeted US citizensThe New York Police Department put American citizens under surveillance and scrutinized where they ate, prayed and worked, not because of charges of wrongdoing but because of their ethnicity, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The documents describe in extraordinary detail a secret program intended to catalog life inside Muslim neighborhoods as people immigrated, got jobs, became citizens and started businesses. The documents undercut the NYPD's claim that its officers only follow leads when investigating terrorism.


The Great Cancer Hoax Part II: The Brilliant Cure the FDA Tried Their Best to Shut Down...

Alas, the war on cancer has been a MASSIVE failure, and the reasons for this failure are clearly explained in the featured documentary Cut, Poison, Burn.

Greed bordering on the grotesque has been allowed to rule the game here, and the primary beneficiaries of this 40-year long "war" are pharmaceutical companies and the tremendously profitable cancer industry as a whole, including so-called "non-profit" organizations like the American Cancer Society.


`Flawed' new rape law roils military justice system

Mlitary courtsExtensive interviews and a McClatchy review of thousands of pages of court documents and internal studies find a congressionally caused crisis of military justice that few civilians know anything about.

The rewritten sexual assault law puts judges “in an impossible position,” the top military appellate court warned. Military lawyers find it “cumbersome and confusing,” a Pentagon task force noted. It leads to “unwarranted acquittals,” Defense Department officials added. And some judges call it unconstitutional.


Troy Davis’s statement to supporters

Troy DavisTroy Davis is about to be put to death in what the deceived and the naive refer to as 'the greatest country in the world.' He has issued this statement to those around the world who are horrified by this event::

"The struggle for justice doesn’t end with me. This struggle is for all the Troy Davises who came before me and all the ones who will come after me. I’m in good spirits and I’m prayerful and at peace. But I will not stop fighting until I’ve taken my last breath."


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