Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update07:16:40 AM GMT

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Court says Padilla terror sentence was too lenient

Padilla sentence too lenientThe 17-year prison sentence imposed on convicted terrorism plotter Jose Padilla is far too lenient for someone who trained to kill at an al-Qaida camp and also has a long, violent criminal history, a federal appeals court ruled Monday as it threw out the sentence.

A divided three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ordered a new sentencing hearing for Padilla, a U.S. citizen and Muslim convert convicted in 2007 along with two co-conspirators of several terrorism-related charges. Padilla, 40, was held for more than three years without charge as an enemy combatant before he was added to the Miami terror support case.


Bush’s Toronto Visit Cancelled Amid Mass Public Pressure for Arrest

This weeks appearance by former U.S. president George W. Bush at an event hosted by a local evangelical Christian university has been cancelled while the mainstream U.S. Media ignores the international embarrassment.

As it stands, the main stream media in the USA has be absolutely silent on the international rejection of George W. Bush.


They're mainstreaming pedophilia

Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the "B4U-ACT" pedophile conference Aug. 17. To eliminate the "stigma" against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of "Minor-Attracted Persons."

B4U-ACT claims to "help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma, and fear." While the group claimed they want to teach pedophiles "how to live life fully and stay within the law," no one suggested how to stop their child lust or molestation.


Japan’s Fukushima ‘worst in history’

At least one billion becquerels a day of radiation continue to leak from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant after the March earthquake and tsunami.

Experts say that the total amount of radiation leaked will exceed amounts released from Chernobyl, making Fukushima the worst nuclear disaster in history.


Israeli editorial: Dear U.S. Jews, please don't let Netanyahu deceive you

Netanyahu and LiebermanWhat follows is an emotional and perhaps late appeal to Israel's friends in America, particularly the Jews among them, who see themselves as people looking out for own welfare. Don't bring us ill instead of good. Don't let Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman deceive you.

This appeal is being directed to those friends who can still think for themselves and demonstrate responsibility when it comes to us. Don't submerge yourselves in the flood of nationalist-religious history that is currently washing over us. Don't confuse governments that come and go with the state, which must always remain.


Lost, Abused and Neglected For A Profit

Immigrants for saleGuillermo Gomez-Sanchez is a 50-year-old legal resident with a mental disability. In 2004, Gomez was detained because of a dispute at a grocery store over a bag of tomatoes. His detention led him into a labyrinth of abuse and neglect – in an immigration system that increasingly puts profit over justice by handing the reigns to private prison corporations.

Cuéntame’s Immigrants For Sale campaign has documented the case of Guillermo, who got lost in this system, while his mother Dolores Gomez-Sanchez spent years desperately searching for answers. The problem: Guillermo was sent to a private detention facility operated by Corrections Corporation of America (CCA).


Former USN Sec'y rocks Navy with complaints about political correctness

Jjohn LehmanThe Navy’s former top civilian has rocked the service in a military journal article by accusing officials of sinking the storied naval air branch into a sea of political correctness. Former Navy Secretary John Lehman, himself an ex-carrier-based aviator, wrote that the swagger and daring of yesterday’s culture has given way to a focus on integrating women and, this year, gays.

Pilots constantly worry about anonymous complaints about salty language, while squadron commanders are awash in bureaucratic requirements for reports and statistics, he added.


Magnitude 6.8 earthquake in India, several dead

6.8 earthquake in IndiaA magnitude 6.8 earthquake hit a remote area in northeastern India on Sunday evening, killing at least two people and damaging buildings and blocking roads, as well as killing four in neighboring Nepal, officials said.

One child died in Sikkim state, the epicenter of the earthquake, and another person died in Bihar state as a result of a stampede sparked by the quake, CNN-IBN broadcaster said.


Why You Can NOT Believe the "9/11 Conspiracy Theory De-bunkers!"

There are some people who can win any argument or debate, no matter whether they are right or wrong. Lawyers, for example, make really nice livings convincing juries that the most obviously guilty criminals are innocent. So goes the modus operandi of the 9/11 truth de-bunkers out there: wrong or not, they are always right. Or at least like the lawyers, they appear to be right.

First off, let me correct myself and apologize for the inaccurate title of this article. I used the phrase "9/11 conspiracy theory" in order to speak in terms most people understand. In reality,  I am referring to the truth about 9/11, rather than any so-called "conspiracy theory. " In other words, I am referring to the thousands of undisputed, officially endorsed but disturbing information related to the attacks of  9/11, that, when actually examined, chronicle a far different story than the one told to us by our government and their reality manipulators known as the establishment media.


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