Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Google reveals 'terrorism video' removals

Google removes 'terrorism' videosGoogle has revealed it removed about 640 videos from YouTube that allegedly promoted terrorism over the second half of 2011 after complaints from the UK's Association of Police Officers.

The news was contained in its latest Transparency Report which discloses requests by international authorities to remove or hand over material. The firm said it terminated five accounts linked to the suspect videos. However, the firm said it had rejected many other state's requests for action.


Impeach The United States Government

That’s right.  Impeach em.  Cease em.  Adios.  Go away.  We could certainly do better than this.

You know that old story, the one of building upon foundations?  Well, it goes like if you build on a bad foundation you won’t last.  But if you build on a good foundation it will weather the test of time.


NEW Urgent Warning to All Cell Phone Users

If you think the jury's still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to this video. Dr. Devra Davis, author of the book, "The Secret History of the War on Cancer," has been researching the safety hazards of radiation emanating from your cell phone.

Regardless of the area exposed to the continuous radiation emitted by your cell phone, there's the potential for harm, although certain areas are clearly more vulnerable than others.


Woman Sues City of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

A Tulsa woman is suing the city's code enforcement officers after she said they cut down her garden with no cause.

Denise Morrison said she has more than 100 plant varieties in her front and back yards and all of them are edible and have a purpose.


Russia’s stance on the Syrian crisis: On the Right Side of History

Sergey LavrovWestern propaganda continues to distort Russia’s position in respect of the Syrian crisis. It accuses Moscow of supporting Damascus for profit motives, or even criminal solidarity. In this piece, Sergey Lavrov does not expound on his country’s strategic choices, but rather on the principles that underpin his diplomacy. He responds imperturbably to the inanities spouted by Western media, underscoring Moscow’s commitment to international law and its pledge to support people. Lavrov counterpoints the massive popular support enjoyed by President al-Assad and the illegitimacy of the sectarian armed opposition, sponsored from abroad.


Drones, computers new weapons of U.S. shadow wars

dronesAfter a decade of costly conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American way of war is evolving toward less brawn, more guile.

Drone aircraft spy on and attack terrorists with no pilot in harm's way. Small teams of special operations troops quietly train and advise foreign forces. Viruses sent from computers to foreign networks strike silently, with no American fingerprint. It's war in the shadows, with the U.S. public largely in the dark.


U.S. deserter in Sweden steps forward after 28 years

US Air ForceA U.S. Air Force deserter who has lived secretly in Sweden since 1984 has revealed his identity and contacted his family in the United States who were overwhelmed to hear he was still alive, a Swedish newspaper reported at the weekend.

Dagens Nyheter said David Hemler had deserted aged 21 while serving at a U.S. Air Force base in Germany, after getting involved with a pacifist church and becoming disillusioned with the policies of former President Ronald Reagan.


Children born in 2011 to cost $234,900 each to raise

newborn baby costChildren: They bring you untold joy and hope for the future. They also cost $234,900 each to raise. And that doesn't include college. Kids are an increasingly expensive proposition, with expenses up 3.5 percent last year from 2010, according to an annual report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

As an aside, it's kind of strange that a government agency that usually concerns itself with the price of corn and salmonella outbreaks has studied child-rearing costs since 1960. But the numbers are key to courts and state governments, which use them to determine child support guidelines and foster care payments.


Domestic Deployment: U.S. Army Chief Says Military Will Be Used To Provide “Rapid Response Options” and Address “Challenges in the United States Itself”

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) proposes that the U.S. Army be used to plan, command, and carry out (with the help of civilian law enforcement) domestic police missions. So says a story appearing in the May/June issue of the influential organization’s official journal, Foreign Affairs. The article lacks a single reference to the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits such actions.


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