Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Fracking companies target gas under cemeteries in Ohio

Ohio cemeteries targeted by gas companiesLoved ones aren't the only thing buried in the 122-year-old Lowellville Cemetery in eastern Ohio. Deep underground, locked in ancient shale formations, are lucrative quantities of natural gas.

Whether to drill for that gas is causing soul-searching as cemeteries — including veterans' final resting places in Colorado and Mississippi — join parks, playgrounds, churches and residential backyards among the ranks of places targeted in the nation's shale drilling boom.


The Anger Agenda – Don’t Fall For It

We’re all pissed off in some form or another. No question. No one can sit idly by with any level of consciousness and not be ticked off by the insanity, inequities and atrocities going on around us. That’s righteous anger and there’s nothing wrong with it.

But we must keep it in its place.

The targeted audience? The general populace is being set up and baited for violent response.


Justice Will Not Prosecute Eric Holder For Contempt Of Congress

Eric HolderThe United States Justice Department said it will not prosecute Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress.

"The Department has determined that the Attorney General's response to the subpoena issued by the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform does not constitute a crime, and therefore the Department will not bring the congressional contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the Attorney General," the Deputy Attorney General told House Speaker John Boehner in a letter.


Bob Alexander: Hooray! We Won Something ... Maybe.

ObamacareBefore the Affordable Care Act came to pass almost fifty million Americans were uninsured. Now that the Supreme Court has upheld President Obama's signature health care law … 26 million Americans will remain uninsured. But how many more millions of Americans can barely afford the coverage they now have?

Depending on your personal outlook on life … the glass is half full or half empty. But who wants a sip? Where I live it is unimaginable that people can’t afford health coverage. it is unthinkable that a person can’t get health care.


Prairie2: Fungus is predictable, it grows from rotten things

FungusMarkets Crash as the Obamacare Tax Increase is Approved by the Liberal Court, this was the screaming headline on the so-called news from the right. The markets did take a big plunge before clawing back, but it probably had to do with it leaking out that JP Morgan’s losses aren’t $2 billion as reported. Current internal estimates put the losses at $9 billion, and there’s no guarantee that is even close to the actual size of this cash hemorrhage.

When we say “too big to fail“, that’s not what we mean exactly.


Bold and Brilliant: Top Police Intelligence Analyst Challenges the Gov’t 7/7 Narrative

Sometimes it takes just one individual to step forward and ‘speak truth to power’ to break the spell of public denial and silence surrounding a tragic and unspeakable event.

At least one police professional in Britain has stepped forward to refute the government’s orthodoxy of ‘Radical British Muslims’ carrying out one of the worst and violent atrocities in the country’s history, and this is his story…


Black Box Voting: Colorado Supreme Court Decision Assures That Ballots Remain Public Records

Black Box VotingThe Colorado Supreme Court's decision has reaffirmed that election ballots are open public records. As a result, the public will be able to verify that untraceable votes are accurately interpreted and counted. This decision comes as election officials are preparing for the 2012 presidential election.

In September, 2011, the Colorado Appeals Court ruled that ballots are indeed open public records. The City filed requested that the Colorado Supreme Court reverse the decision. The Supreme Court has now decided not to hear the Koch v. Marks case. The Court chose to end the controversy in favor of election transparency.


Fracking Industry Enjoyed Privileged Access to Controversial New York DEC Environmental Review

FrackingDocuments obtained by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) show that bureaucrats within the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC) granted the oil and gas industry premature access to highly controversial draft regulations for shale gas fracking in the state.

New York placed a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing for gas in order to evaluate the science on the risks posed to drinking water, air quality and the health of New York's citizens and the environment.


10 Things You Get Now That Obamacare Survived

Affordable Health CareThe US Supreme Court on Thursday largely upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the centerpiece of President Obama's first term in office. Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative appointed by George W. Bush, joined with the high court's four liberals and penned the majority opinion.

In their dissent, the court's four other conservative justices said they would have struck down the entire law. So what does the court's ruling mean for regular Americans?


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