Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Warren blasts Mitt at Obama fundraiser

Elizabeth WarrenMassachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren took direct aim at Mitt Romney at an Obama fundraiser on Monday, dredging up his remark that “corporations are people.”

“And Mitt, learn this: we don’t run this country for corporations, we run it for people,” Warren continued, drawing cheers from the crowd at Boston Symphony Hall.


Texas council to vote on contract to train firefighters on gas well accidents

Gas wellsWith more than 300 natural gas wells in the city, Arlington plans to begin sending firefighters for specialized training from a Houston firm in techniques to protect neighborhoods better during well fires, gas releases and other industry-related incidents.

The City Council is set to vote Tuesday on a $96,000 contract with Wild Well Control of Houston to train at least 48 firefighters and six fire inspectors over two years.


Twisted light could let you download 70 DVDs per second

Twisted lightTwisted light beams have opened the door for wireless communication 85,000 times faster than broadband Internet speeds. The breakthrough could allow NASA missions or military space satellites to exchange data at ultrahigh speeds.

Lab tests have shown how twisted laser beams can transmit data at speeds up to 2.56 terabits per second — roughly the equivalent of beaming 70 DVDs worth of data in a single second through free space. Such speed easily put broadband Internet's 30 megabits per second to shame.


Salvation Army Official: Gays Deserve Death

Salvation ArmyJust in time to ruin Gay Pride month, a media relations director for the Salvation Army had no problem reminding us and the queer journalists he was talking to that gays should be put to death.

In talking to Australian queer journalists Serena Ryan and Pete Dillon on their Salt and Pepper radio show (audio below which was picked up by Truth Wins Out's John Becker),  Major Andrew Craibe, a media relations director for one of the organization's Australian branches, had this exchange with the hosts:


Carter blasts U.S. targeted kill policy

Jimmy CarterWashington, since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, has migrated from its position as the moral authority on human rights, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said.
Carter writes in The New York Times that targeted assassinations of individuals deemed a direct threat to national security, including U.S. citizens, is a "disturbing" trend.

Washington uses policies enacted after the 2001 attacks by al-Qaida to justify its policies against suspected terrorists.


High court strikes down key parts of Arizona immigration law

Arizona law unconstitutionalThe Supreme Court on Monday struck down key parts of the tough anti-illegal immigration law enacted by Arizona in 2010.

The law had made it a crime for non-citizens who are unlawfully present in the United States to work in Arizona and requires police officers to check the immigration status of any person whom they have probable cause to believe is an illegal immigrant.


Italian Court Reignites MMR Vaccine Debate After Award Over Child with Autism

The complete lack of coverage of this case in the US media is a potent example of how health information is flat out censored in the US. Is it any wonder so many Americans are still in the dark? Whether hearing about this case in the US media would sway you to believe vaccines may cause autism or not, the REAL story here is the fact that you’re not even being allowed to learn about it in the first place!


Many parents don't think twice about taking their children in for routine vaccinations, as they are an integral and heavily promoted part of the conventional medical system. But this decision has had life altering, and sometimes life-ending, ramifications for more children than you might expect.


Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes released into the wild

Australian research scientists have developed a strategy for fighting Dengue fever, a viral disease spread by mosquitoes that affects more than 50 million people annually and causes fever and crippling joint and muscle pain—and in some cases even death.

Researchers are encouraged that these bacterially infected mosquitoes are safe to humans and, once set loose, are capable of spreading on their own and overtaking the wild mosquito populations that transmit disease to humans.



Chesapeake Energy Settles Contaminated Water Well Lawsuit for $1.6M

Chesapeake EnergyThree northeastern Pennsylvania families have reached a $1.6 million settlement with a gas drilling company over contaminated water wells. But Jared McMicken of Wyalusing said the agreement reached Thursday provides little comfort since his drinking water was ruined by nearby drilling, and his family must move.

"We've lost our house, and we're not going to get out of it what we got into it," he said. "We have a bunch of people who have to leave their homes."


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