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Strib tells AP: we're canceling

It’s hard to imagine: the Star Tribune without the Associated Press.

But that’s what could happen in 2010; the region’s biggest news source recently sent the nation’s most prominent wire service the required two years' cancellation notice, an AP spokesman confirms.

Earlier this year, Strib editor Nancy Barnes was one of eight big-city newspaper editors who co-signed a letter that criticized AP’s rate structure and urged price cuts. "Editors of newspapers are not getting meaningful help from AP when they need it most,” the letter stated. “They need help now. Without relief from AP, the organization's members must make even more drastic cuts in their own newsroom staffs. Essential coverage is sacrificed."


TvNewsLIES Editor Jesse Richard Interviewed on "One Radio Network"'s Jesse Richard discusses his recent article "Election Fraud is NOT the Real Problem - The Entire System is Corrupt!", among other things with One Radio Network's Patrick Timpone.

From One Radio Network:

Here's an engaging conversation with Jesse Richards, founder and manager of Mr. Richards is a former AP employee who spends his time researching, writing and commenting on the media, politics, the world and news that never makes to our home. How and who chooses Presidential candidates and Presidents? What are the goals of the power pulling the strings? Are secret societies real? Does the media in fact control public perception? Who is behind Senator Obama? And lots more here to sink your teeth into. Or not.

Listen to or download the interview here...

'Tennessean' reporter has background check by THP

A list of 182 people believed to have been subjects of background checks from a Tennessee Highway Patrol officer includes the Tennessean reporter who revealed the Highway Patrol's probe into the officer's unauthorized activities.

Brad Schrade, who has reported on the Highway Patrol for years and first reported the probe earlier this month, received a call Saturday morning from a Highway Patrol special agent who said that Lt. Ronnie Shirley, the subject of the probe, had accessed Schrade's background information.

"For a state police agency or one of its agents to investigate a reporter who has produced legitimate and critically important coverage of the agency smacks of the intimidation and retribution you would expect to find in a totalitarian state," Silverman said.


U.S. forces free AP cameraman in Iraq

U.S. forces freed a cameraman for the Associated Press in Baghdad on Saturday after holding him for three months without charge, the news agency said.

Raziak's release comes two days after the military freed an Iraqi cameraman for Reuters, Ali al-Mashhadani, who was held for three weeks without charge after being arrested while renewing his credentials at a U.S. military press office.


Establishment Media's Massive Mislabeling

One of the main missions of is to make the public aware of obvious media deception. I often tell people that they don't have to really believe anything I tell them. All I do is point things out for them to see for themselves. I show people that on a daily basis, make that a virtual minute by minute basis, the establishment media holds up life's apples and spends all their energy convincing you that they are oranges. All I do is tap you on the shoulder and point out the apples. I figure that eventually you'll stop falling for the deception. Wishful thinking on my part.

Anyway, I thought I'd make a tiny list of common aspects of the apple/orange misdirection effort headed up by our criminal establishment media. You know...your enemy. Some people call them the "mainstream media". Not me. There is nothing mainstream about them. They are criminal bastards. Calling them mainstream would be like calling a pedophile an average guy.

So here is some food for thought as I see it...just a few examples off the top of my head...


France bans broadcast of TV shows for babies

France's broadcast authority has banned French channels from marketing TV shows to children under 3 years old, to shield them from developmental risks it says television viewing poses at that age.

The ruling also ordered warning messages for parents on foreign baby channels that are broadcast in France - such as Baby TV, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., and BabyFirstTV, which has ties to News Corp.'s Fox Entertainment.

TVNL Comment: Can you say "indoctrination?" 


A steady diet of trash 'news'

The media stopped reporting news long ago and now reports on what many in this country want. Dirt, gossip, salacious details about who is sleeping with whom, who is the father of each new baby born out of wedlock or whether Britney is wearing underwear.

In America there is a growing hunger for the lowest level of human depravity that can be found. Jerry Springer and Maury Povich should bring tears to every viewer's eyes, yet they evoke laughter as the viewer is entertained by the pain and sickness of the weakest among us. It has reached staggering proportions, and there is no end in sight as to just how far the media conglomerates will go to dredge up the filth they package as news.


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