The video-sharing service YouTube is banning submissions that involve "inciting others to violence," following criticism from Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) that the site was too open to terrorist groups disseminating militant propaganda.
The company earlier this year removed some of the videos that Lieberman targeted, many of which were marked with the logos of al-Qaeda and affiliated groups. But the company refused to take down most of the videos on the senator's list, saying they did not violate the Web site's guidelines against graphic violence or hate speech.
YouTube Bans Videos That Incite Violence
CNN fabricates reports about Georgia and South Ossetia
Russia Today TV channel journalists, who worked in the city of Tskhinvali, accuse CNN of forgery in the coverage of the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia, RIA Novosti reports.
“Our crew was making a report about Tskhinvali ruined by the Georgian army. We particularly were filming the University of South Ossetia. We were very surprised and indignant to see this footage on CNN presented as the Georgian town of Gori, which the Russian army supposedly attacked. We still have the original video material of Tskhinvali in ruins. The footage aired by CNN has been forged and fabricated,” Baranov said.
CNN also used the footage from the Kodori Gorge of Abkhazia to show it as a report from Gori, the journalist added.
TV journalist Alexander Minakov, who analyzed the coverage of the conflict by the Western media, particularly by US channels, said that Georgia’s war in South Ossetia had struck a catastrophic blow on their reputation. US TV channels cast a veil on events in an armed conflict and even fabricated their reports at times, like CNN did.
MSNBC Takes Incendiary Hosts From Anchor Seat
MSNBC tried a bold experiment this year by putting two politically incendiary hosts, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, in the anchor chair to lead the cable news channel’s coverage of the election.
That experiment appears to be over.
After months of accusations of political bias and simmering animosity between MSNBC and its parent network NBC, the channel decided over the weekend that the NBC News correspondent and MSNBC host David Gregory would anchor news coverage of the coming debates and election night. Mr. Olbermann and Mr. Matthews will remain as analysts during the coverage.
Republicans paint Fourth Estate as Public Enemy No. 1
Since the introduction of little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as the Republican vice presidential nominee, the GOP has launched a D-day-like offensive on the news media, attempting to frame the Fourth Estate as Public Enemy No. 1.
But many experts believe the mainstream press did nothing wrong in aggressively covering the background of a person in line to be the second most powerful politician in the country.
Amy Goodman and Two Democracy Now! Producers Unlawfully Arrested At the RNC
Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman was unlawfully arrested in downtown St. Paul, Minnesota at approximately 5 p.m. local time. Police violently manhandled Goodman, yanking her arm, as they arrested her.
Goodman was arrested while attempting to free two Democracy Now! producers who were being unlawfuly detained. They are Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Nicole Salazar. Kouddous and Salazar were arrested while they carried out their journalistic duties in covering street demonstrations at the Republican National Convention. Goodman’s crime appears to have been defending her colleagues and the freedom of the press.
More and More People Are Catching on to Mainstream Media Lies
George Orwell in his prophetic book '1984' said, "Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful... and give an appearance of solidarity to pure wind."
Hitler's propaganda henchman Dr. Goebells said, "If you tell people a big enough lie, often enough, they will believe it."
There are many definitions of lies and the Thesaurus has a great source of words to describe the distorting and twisting of any facts. Among the word variations that cover the outrageous manipulations we experience daily are fabrication, inference misstatement, falsification, evasion, deceit and deception. A lie is the deliberate withholding of any part of the truth from someone who has a right to know.
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators, Big Donors
Police in Denver arrested an ABC News producer today as he and a camera crew were attempting to take pictures on a public sidewalk of Democratic Senators and VIP donors leaving a private meeting at the Brown Palace Hotel.
Police on the scene refused to tell ABC lawyers the charges against the producer, Asa Eslocker, who works with the ABC News investigative unit.
A cigar-smoking Denver police sergeant, accompanied by a team of five other officers, first put his hands on Eslocker's neck, then twisted the producers arm behind him to put on handcuffs.
TVNL Comment: How is that for democracy? Can you say "police state?"
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