Friday, Oct 04th

Last update04:38:46 AM GMT

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Muslims outraged as U.S. church plans to burn Koran

The KoranThe world's pre-eminent Sunni Muslim institution of learning has condemned a Florida church's plans to host a Koran-burning ceremony on September 11. In a statement carried by local media on Thursday, Al-Azhar's Supreme Council in Egypt accused the church of stirring up hate and discrimination and called on other American churches to condemn the event.

The world's pre-eminent Sunni Muslim institution of learning has condemned a Florida church's plans to host a Koran-burning ceremony on September 11. The Dove World Outreach Center is planning to burn the Islamic holy text on church grounds in remembrance of the victims of 9/11.


US court rejects Armenian 'genocide' denial

Armenian genocideA US appeals court has upheld a ruling that blocks schools in the state of Massachusetts from teaching literature that denies the mass killing of Armenians in Turkey in 1915 was a genocide. The ruling came in response to a 2005 lawsuit filed by the Assembly of Turkish American Associations, a US lobbying group. A lower court dismissed the suit in June, and the appeals court upheld that decision on Wednesday.


GM crop escapes into the American wild

The scientists behind the discovery say this highlights a lack of proper monitoring and control of GM crops in the United States.

US farmers have dramatically increased their use of GM crops since the plants were introduced in the early 1990s. Last year, nearly half the world's transgenic crops were grown in US soil — Brazil, the world's second heaviest user, grew just 16%. GM crops have broken free from cultivated land in several countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom and Japan, but they have not previously been found in uncultivated land in the United States.


WHO list reveals flu advisors with financial ties to pharma, vaccine manufacturers

WHOAfter months of stalling, the World Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six pandemic last year -- a decision that resulted in a financial windfall for vaccine manufacturers. As you'll see here, that list includes at least five expert advisors received money from vaccine companies.


U.S. bailouts in '08 benefited foreign firms, report says

Bailout benefited foreign banksThe federal government's effort to stabilize the financial system in 2008 by flooding money into as many banks as possible resulted in a boon to many foreign firms and left the United States shouldering far more risk than governments that took a narrower approach, according to a new report by a panel overseeing the Treasury's $700 billion bailout fund.

Members of the Congressional Oversight Panel, in a report due out Thursday, note that America's broad financial rescues had more impact internationally than the narrower bailout programs of other countries had on U.S. firms.


Aspartame And MSG Make You Fat, Cause Depression

The liver then breaks down or metabolizes aspartame to its toxic components - phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. This process requires a lot of energy from the liver which means there will be less energy remaining in the liver cells. This means the liver cells will have less energy for fat burning and metabolism, which will result in fat storing. Excess fat may build up inside the liver cells causing "fatty liver" and when this starts to occur it is extremely difficult to lose weight. In my vast experience any time that you overload the liver you will increase the tendency to gain weight easily.


30,000 People Show for Public Housing Help in Atlanta

30,000 People Show for Public Housing Help in AtlantaThe crowd began with just a few hundred people gathering around noon Monday at the Tri-Cities Plaza Shopping Center. By Wednesday morning, the East Point Public Housing Authority estimated it had swelled to tens of thousands, all clamoring for applications.

Many in the crowd could be seen running toward police vehicles. Thousands were gathered around the front of the plaza. Many more were just waiting in long lines.


Pope rejects resignations of two Irish bishops in abuse scandal

Pope rejects resignations of two Irish bishops in abuse scandalPope Benedict XVI has rejected the resignations of two Irish bishops who came under heavy pressure to step down in the wake of a damning report on clerical sex abuse in Dublin, Irish media reports said Wednesday.


Executives at health insurance giants cash in as firms plan fee hikes

Executives at health insurance giants cash inThe top executives at the nation's five largest for-profit health insurance companies pulled in nearly $200 million in compensation last year — while their businesses prepared to hit ratepayers with double-digit premium increases, according to a new analysis conducted by healthcare activists.


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