Friday, Oct 04th

Last update04:38:46 AM GMT

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Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused of rape

Julian AssangeSwedish authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on suspicion of molestation and rape. The warrant was issued late yesterday, said a spokeswoman at Sweden's prosecutors' office in Stockholm.

She said Assange should contact the Swedish police for questioning about the accusations of molestation and rape in two separate cases "so that he can be confronted with the suspicions".
Assange has denied the charges, which were first reported by the Swedish tabloid Expressen, on Wikileaks' Twitter account.


Drugs don't work: Top professor claims five in six new medicines have 'little benefit' to patients

DrugsA new study estimates that 85 per cent of new drugs offer few if any new benefits while having the potential to cause serious harm due to toxicity or misuse.

The author of the research delivered a damning attack on 'Big Pharma' at a meeting of sociology experts in the US.

Professor Donald Light described the pharmaceutical industry as a 'market for lemons' - one in which the seller knows much more than the buyer about the product, and takes advantage of this fact.


Secretly forced brain implants: Explosive court case

Few American doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists will break rank or brave the new world of high-tech electronic abuse some of their patients report but evidence mounts that increasing numbers of innocent citizens targeted for U.S. state-sponsored terror are being secretly brain implanted with U.S. RFID chips without their consent for no-touch torture and mind control plus experimentation. One man evidenced this in court; won his case; and now prepares for a continuationin federal court, due to be equally explosive.

RFID is abbreviation for Radio-frequency Identification, a misnomer due to the device functions consisting of far more than ID. It is used for remote technological harassment, torture and even assassination.


Halliburton gets letter of intent for Iraq oil

Halliburton gets Iraq oil dealHalliburton Co. said on Wednesday that it has gotten a letter of intent from Shell Iraq Petroleum Development BV that would make Halliburton the project manager for developing the Majnoon field in southern Iraq.

Halliburton said it wold be working with Nabors Drilling and the Iraq Drilling Company. The contract needs final approval by Iraqi authorities, Halliburton said.


Blackwater Reaches Deal on U.S. Export Violations

Erik Prince, founder of BlackwaterThe private security company formerly called Blackwater Worldwide, long plagued by accusations of impropriety, has reached an agreement with the State Department for the company to pay $42 million in fines for hundreds of violations of United States export control regulations.

The violations included illegal weapons exports to Afghanistan, making unauthorized proposals to train troops in south Sudan and providing sniper training for Taiwanese police officers, according to company and government officials familiar with the deal.


New industry meetings over net neutrality being hosted by lobbyists

Internet pioneer Vint CerfWhile much of the focus has been on Google and Verizon when it comes to net neutrality as of late, the Wall Street Journal has reported that lobbyists began a new set of talks among a much wider group on Wednesday.

The Information Technology Industry Council is a lobbying firm which represents dozens of companies, including Apple, AOL, Cisco, HP, Microsoft, Nokia, and RIM among others. Reports indicate Microsoft is in attendance as is Cisco. AT&T and Verizon are also involved in the negotiations, but Google is not.


Five myths about the Iraq troop withdrawal

Dive myths about the iraq troop removalEarly Thursday, less than two weeks before the president's Aug. 31 deadline for ending American combat operations in Iraq, the 4th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division crossed the border from Iraq into Kuwait.

With the departure of this last combat brigade, the U.S. military presence in Iraq is now down to 50,000 troops, fewer than at any time since the 2003 invasion. The shift offers a useful moment to take stock of both how much has been accomplished and how much is left to be done in what is fast becoming our forgotten war.

1. As of this month, the United States no longer has combat troops in Iraq.


Direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians to resume in September

Direct talks 'to resume' September 2010Israeli and Palestinian officials are expected to be invited to meet in Washington next month for their first direct talks in a year and a half, according to media reports. Formal announcements are anticipated from the US state department and the quartet of Middle East peace negotiators - the UN, Russia the EU and the United States - regarding developments later on Friday.


Bush & Cheney Walk Free While They Indict Roger Clemens - American Justice

Let me start out by saying I am not a Roger Clemens fan. To me he seems like a mentally disturbed person. Ever since he threw the head of a broken bat at Mike Piazza who was running to first base at the time, I knew they guy was either on drugs or he was a mental case. He also represents one of the two things that ruined baseball for agency (not-Clemens related), and steroids (and Clemens is part of that problem!)

That said, let me be the latest to point out that Congress had no business spending time worrying about baseball; not on our time and not on our dime. Let me put this in perspective...the world has ample evidence, or, how should I say this...PROOF, that the invasion of Iraq was started on false pretenses that were know to be false at the time they were made. To put this simply the Iraq invasion was the proverbial war based on lies. Folks...there is no higher crime a President can commit than committing his nation to war based on lies...and George W. Bush, as Dick Cheney's puppet, did this.


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