Monday, Oct 07th

Last update06:53:22 AM GMT

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New Yorkers Beg for Another Blackout!

What’s the problem? Hmm, how can I put this without becoming abusive? To put it mildly, the shop owners and managers are helping to screw up the planet, strain the grid and drive up YOUR electric bills by keeping the demand for electricity artificially high (it's called supply and demand.) I have been saying this for years, but I think after experiencing the power outage of August 14th, 2003, my message may hit home with greater impact. (It did not...that is why this is being republished!)


Young people should not take flu vaccine, watchdog says

Its announcement comes after studies showed that young people who were given the vaccine were at increased risk of developing narcolepsy, which causes sufferers to fall asleep unexpectedly.

Pandemrix, manufactured by the British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, was given to 30million people across Europe after the outbreak of swine flu – the H1N1 strain of the virus - that started in Mexico early in 2009.


Netanyahu may be forced to destroy settlers' homes

RamallahThe government of Benjamin Netanyahu is on course for its first major clash with Israeli settlers in the West Bank, before a court deadline expires tomorrow to destroy three homes which have been built without permission in a hilltop outpost near Ramallah.

Israel's high court last month ordered the destruction within 45 days of three permanent dwellings in Migron, an outpost of 48 families mostly living in caravans.


Murdoch's New York Post Publisher Also Has A Hacking Problem

NY PostOne week ago, Rupert Murdoch's longtime aide, Les Hinton, was forced to resign as publisher of the Wall Street Journal because of the central role he'd been playing for years in News Corp.'s unraveling phone-hacking scandal. Hinton's resignation, unthinkable just four weeks ago, signaled the severity of News Corp.'s woes in America.

Now another Murdoch publisher, Paul Carlucci, who oversees the New York Post, may be facing renewed questions from prosecutors about his business past and what role he played in a News Corp. computer hacking scandal that unfolded right here in the U.S.


Ghana official calls for effort to 'round up' suspected gays

Paul Evans AidooThe Western Regional Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo, has ordered the immediate arrest of all homosexuals in the region. He tasked the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) and all security agencies to smoke out persons suspected to be engaging in homosexuality.

He also enlisted the services of landlords and tenants to provide reliable information which will lead to the arrest of homosexuals. His directive follows months of campaign against the practice of homosexuality in the country.


Angelina County jury finds man guilty of evading arrest after being mistaken for burglar in his own home

A Lufkin man convicted of resisting arrest in his own home after police mistook him for a burglar was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Following a one-day trial and four-hour deliberation, a six-panel Angelina County jury concluded Sauceda was guilty of resisting arrest on March 15, 2009, while being pepper-sprayed, shot with a pepper ball gun and wrestled to the ground by nine Lufkin Police officers in his own living room, according to testimony.


Police Kill Teenage Man After Shooting Him 5 Times In Back And While Laying Down

San Francisco Police Kill A Teenage Man After Shooting Him 5 Times In Back And While Laying Face Down On The Street After Chasing Him Down For Not Paying $2 Bus Fare!

Another splendid example of the American police state. Three different videos report to capture the aftermath of the police brutality.


There and Back Again: Sobering Thoughts about the Nuclear Madness We All Face

Indeed, without the slightest care for the sanctity of human life, the uncaring nuclear industrial complex, along with their enablers disguised as our protectors -- the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA), The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), etc. has callously allowed millions of people to die with no remorse or guilt. Let's be clear -- it makes little or no difference if exposure comes from an "atomic warhead" or from a "nuclear reactor meltdown." The end result is the same -- people suffer horribly and die. And just like the world revolution that's currently being waged around the globe with hardly a whisper in mainstream media, it will not be televised or reported. In war, you must first recognize your enemy before you can fight. Well, we the people are on our own because the enemy is within, and powerful.


Poll: Majority of U.S. Jews support Mideast peace plan based on 1967 borders

Majority of US Jews support 1967 border peaceA J Street poll published Thursday shows that 57% of U.S. Jews back a Middle East peace plan based on 1967 borders with mutually agreed-upon land swaps, while 43% opposed such a move.

According to the poll, 83% of the American Jews support a U.S.-brokered solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, while 70% want the administration to offer a peace plan that proposes set borders and security arrangements.


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