Monday, Oct 07th

Last update06:53:22 AM GMT

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Olivia Newton-John joins fight to stop fracking

Olivia Newton-JohnOlivia Newton-John is the latest celebrity to take on the powerful mining industry over environmental issues. Newton-John, the United Nation's Goodwill Ambassador for the Environment, risks a ''Carbon Cate'' backlash over her public opposition - outlined today in The Sunday Age - to a controversial method of extracting natural gas from coal seams.

Newton-John is concerned about the use of hydraulic fracturing - known as ''fracking'' or ''fraccing'' - which injects huge volumes of water, sand and chemicals deep into shale rock to release gas for commercial use.


Judge allows feds to revise filing in anthrax case

Bruce IvinsJustice Department lawyers, defending a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of the first victim of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks, won a judge's approval Friday to withdraw a court filing that seemed to undermine the FBI's assertion that an Army researcher was the killer.

U.S. District Judge David Hurley of West Palm Beach, Fla., accepted a government attorney's declaration that the FBI and federal prosecutors didn't alert the government defense team to 10 errors in a statement of facts until after it had been filed in court on July 15.


How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism...

Dr. Campbell is a medical doctor with a postgraduate degree in neurology. She worked as a neurologist and a neurosurgeon for several years before starting a family. When her first-born son was diagnosed autistic at the age of three, she was surprised to realize that her own profession had no answers…

Back in 1984, when she graduated from medical school, autism was an exceptionally rare disorder, with a prevalence of about 1 in 10,000.


The Globalist Imperial Network, As Explained by a Globalist

Anne-Marie SlaughterGlobalist warmongering degenerate Anne-Marie Slaughter makes her rounds at the Fortune 500-funded Chatham House. She is the author of the book "A New World Order" and believes foreign policy should be shifted into the unelected, unaccountable hands of corporations, foundations, and NGOs.

As we peel back the layers of Slaughter's vision of the "new foreign policy frontier," we see nearly every institution, organization, NGO, or consortium mentioned lined with Fortune 500 corporate sponsors and representatives pursing an agenda of global economic and military hegemony. No one would suggest that manipulating people on a massive scale, leveraging legitimate ideals such as democracy, human rights, or freedom to further a corporate-financier oligarchy's agenda constitutes anything progressive, nonetheless, Slaughter seems to believe this is not only the future of foreign policy, but an appropriate future at that.


Feds may be muzzling scientist over Arctic research

Feds muzzling scientistsLast summer’s Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico clearly showed the conflict between science, energy policy and politics, and the looming battle over drilling in Arctic waters will be no different, as a watchdog group claims that federal scientists are being muzzled and harassed over their efforts to disclose potential impacts of energy development in the fragile Arctic marine environment.

Dr. Charles Monnet, a senior federal scientist working the Arctic has been placed on administrative leave and is being investigated by the Interior Department’s Inspector General. Such inspections are not uncommon, but what’s unusual in this case is that the researcher says he has no idea what the investigators are looking for.


Mystery surrounds loss of records, art on 9/11

Art lost on 9/11Letters written by Helen Keller. Forty-thousand photographic negatives of John F. Kennedy taken by the president's personal cameraman. Sculptures by Alexander Calder and Auguste Rodin. The 1921 agreement that created the agency that built the World Trade Center.

Besides ending nearly 3,000 lives, destroying planes and reducing buildings to tons of rubble and ash, the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks destroyed tens of thousands of records, irreplaceable historical documents and art.


FDA: You Must Not Dissent From the Medical Establishment

The United States Government and its terrorist arm, the FDA, apparently have a monopoly on medical information that you’d better not challenge. Unapproved mobile apps are now a potential criminal venture. The FDA is proposing that it should be the supreme authority concerning the wonderful world of mobile medical applications. The corrupt agency says it doesn’t propose to oversee all apps – just those that “could present a risk to patients if the apps don’t work as intended.” This is the consummate, disjointed governmentspeak – a proposal that could be interpreted to mean whatever the Feds want it to mean at any point in time.


When Should You Shoot A Cop

That question, even without an answer, makes most “law-abiding taxpayers” go into knee-jerk conniptions. The indoctrinated masses all race to see who can be first, and loudest, to proclaim that it is NEVER okay to forcibly resist “law enforcement.” In doing so, they also inadvertently demonstrate why so much of human history has been plagued by tyranny and oppression.


FDA urged to rethink approval of medical devices

Medical devices not testedSurprising as it may seem, the way the present system works is that thousands of devices are routinely cleared for market without any of the clinical testing for safety or effectiveness that is required for prescription drugs.

"I thought that any medical device that was actually being put into people's bodies had been extensively tested before it was released to the public," said Ayers. Not exactly.


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