Monday, Oct 07th

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American Millionaires: 1,400 Paid No U.S. Income Taxes In 2009

1400 millionares paid no US income taxesNew tax data from the Internal Revenue service shows that in 2009, incomes fell, unemployment claims rose, and the U.S. economy shed nearly two million taxpayers.  And of the 235,413 taxpayers who earned $1 million or more in 2009, 1,470 of them paid no taxes.

According to the data, the average income for American taxpayers fell to $54,283 -- a drop of $3,516, or about 6.1 percent, between 2008 and 2009. Not only that, but the overall number of taxpayers -- that is, individuals or married couples filing with the IRS -- fell by almost two million.


Death Of The Freedom Of Speech – Making South Park Style Videos Mocking The Police Now Illegal

Crooked judges are now issuing warrants to arrest, prosecute and jail anonymous video makers who create a South Park style videos that mocks the police.

The video parody contains anonymous characters and refers to ambiguous situations that could be occurring at any police station around the nation.

But the police state will no longer tolerated such mockery and have declared the making of such a video has now been declared a crime.


Major Paper : Canada Government Covered Up “Massive Amounts Of Radiation In Air”

While the alternative media has reporting on a cover up of the Fukushima nuclear fallout throughout the disaster we haven’t seen a mainstream news source do much more than act as a stenographer for the government and the nuclear industry through the ordeal.

To be fair, Forbes blogger Jeff McMahon called out the government for switching their so-called safety levels but really haven’t heard much from him since. The rest of the media has been silent.


Fukushima Radiation 1,000 Times H-Bomb Peak

Dr. Chris Busby, world famous physicist, said tests run at the respected Harwell Radiation Laboratory in England demonstrate the airborne radiation in Japan is 1,000 times higher than radioactive “fallout” at the peak in 1963 of H-Bomb detonations by the nuclear powers. The calculations were on radioactive Cesium 137.

Busby certifies the poisonous, radioactive Japanese air to be at least 300 times worse than the air during the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster. Dr Janette Sherman, a highly respected physician and an acknowledged expert in radiation exposure, has estimated the world wide Chernobyl Kill to be at least one million people killed to date. The Chernobyl Disaster occurred April 26, 1986.


Tribute To Ted L. Gunderson

Ted GundersonThere will, to be sure, be more official announcements from those much closer to him, but I wanted to share with you that we have sadly lost yet another compatriot. Former FBI Agent In Charge, Ted L. Gunderson, transitioned from this world to the next at around 3:30pm on Sunday, July 31, 2011. Ted had been suffering off and on from cancer for roughly two and a half years, and he finally succumbed to it after being on life support for three weeks. He was 82.


House of Representatives 'Most Anti-Environment' in History

The House has voted to block action to address climate change, to stop actions to prevent air and water pollution, to undermine protections for public lands and coastal areas, and to weaken the protection of the environment in dozens of other ways.

Representatives Henry Waxman of California and Edward Markey of Massachusetts have released a fact sheet detailing all 110 anti-environment votes taken by the House of Representatives this year.


APA, Nation's Largest Group Of Psychologists, Endorses Gay Marriage

APA endorses gay marriageThe American Psychological Association (APA) has endorsed gay marriage ahead of its annual convention in Washington. With a unanimous 157-0 vote, the APA's policymaking body approved the resolution on Wednesday.

“Now as the country has really begun to have experience with gay marriage, our position is much clearer and more straightforward – that marriage equity is the policy that the country should be moving toward,” Clinton Anderson, director of APA's Office on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns, told USA Today.


UK's secret policy on torture revealed

UK's secret torture policy revealedA top secret document revealing how MI6 and MI5 officers were allowed to extract information from prisoners being illegally tortured overseas has been seen by the Guardian.

The interrogation policy – details of which are believed to be too sensitive to be publicly released at the government inquiry into the UK's role in torture and rendition – instructed senior intelligence officers to weigh the importance of the information being sought against the amount of pain they expected a prisoner to suffer. It was operated by the British government for almost a decade.


ACLU digs into mobile location privacy with huge police records request

Cell phoneThe American Civil Liberties Union is bringing its heavy artillery to bear on the mobile location privacy debate.

The civil advocacy group has coordinated 34 of its offices to send 375 public records requests to police and law enforcement agencies across the nation, requesting comprehensive information about how police obtain and use cellphone locations and other Internet data to hunt criminals.


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