Monday, Oct 07th

Last update06:53:22 AM GMT

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$360M lost to insurgents, criminals in Afghanistan

$360,000 lost to insurgents, criminals in AfghanistanThe U.S. military estimates that $360 million spent on combat support and reconstruction contracts in Afghanistan has ended up in the hands of people the American-led coalition has battled for nearly a decade: the Taliban, criminals and local power brokers with ties to both, The Associated Press has learned.

The losses, measured over the past year by a special task force assembled by Gen. David Petraeus, underscore the challenges the U.S. and its international partners face in overcoming corruption in Afghanistan. A central part of the Obama administration's strategy has been to award U.S.-financed contracts to Afghan businesses to help improve quality of life and stoke the country's economy.


True cost of Afghan, Iraq wars is anyone's guess

Cost of wars in Iraq and AfghanistanWhen congressional cost-cutters meet later this year to decide on trimming the federal budget, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq could represent juicy targets. But how much do the wars actually cost the U.S. taxpayer?  Nobody really knows.

Yes, Congress has allotted $1.3 trillion for war spending through fiscal year 2011 just to the Defense Department. There are long Pentagon spreadsheets that outline how much of that was spent on personnel, transportation, fuel and other costs. In a recent speech, President Barack Obama assigned the wars a $1 trillion price tag.


US Releases CIA Documents on Bay of Pigs Invasion

Newly declassified U.S. documents show a CIA operative accidentally fired on friendly pilots during the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

The documents also show U.S. officials authorized limited use of napalm on military targets and to protect the invasion's beachhead area.


21 Books The Ruling Elite Doesn't Want You to Read

The sole purpose of COINTELPRO was to destroy individuals and groups perceived as threats to the status quo in the United States.  COINTELPRO was “officially” ended in 1971—although it never really ended.  After the 911 attacks, the government went at it again, but this time with a scared and more dumbed-down complicit public.  Exactly forty-six days after the towers came crumbing down Bush signed the USA Patriot Act.  This virtually eliminated restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records.  What we used to consider illegal eavesdropping is now reclassified as something else -- an emergency.  According to an official DOJ report, the use of “emergency”, warrantless requests to ISPs for customer communications content has skyrocketed over 400% in a single year.  No outrage, no accountability.  The majority of people are now more concerned about how to feed their families; civil liberties will just have to take a back seat until things improve.


Toxins troubling in fish caught in San Diego waters

Toxins in San Diego watersThe largest-ever study of toxins in California sport fish shows concerning levels of PCBs and methylmercury at several spots along the San Diego County coastline and elsewhere, the legacy of industrial activity that continues to haunt state waters.

About three-fourths of the 42 spots sampled in California had what state officials called “moderate” degrees of pollution from the two most problematic contaminants, but concentrations at several sites spiked high enough to trigger “no consumption” warnings if more sampling confirms dangerous amounts of the contaminants.


USS Memphis cheating scandal: A rare lapse, or part of a pattern of shortcuts?

USS Memphis cheating scandalWhen the Navy discovered a cheating ring aboard one of its submarines, it swiftly fired the commanding officer and kicked off 10 percent of the crew.

Navy officials describe the case aboard the USS Memphis as a rare lapse in integrity, but some former officers say the shortcuts exposed by the scandal are hardly unique to a single vessel.


Confessions of a Cancer Industry Insider

"NO ONE is seriously looking for a least not "serious academics"...the fringe nut cases are but of course those are the people who went into medicine as a means to help humanity and not become richer than god by next Thursday so that is a completely separate issue..."

"This is a multi-billion dollar per year industry and a "cure" would put a lot of people out of work."


Pakistan Let China See Crashed U.S. 'Stealth' Copter

Stealth helicopterChinese intelligence has been given access to a secret US helicopter which crashed during the raid in Pakistan in which Osama bin Laden was killed, the Financial Times reported yesterday.

Pakistan gave China access to the previously unknown “stealth” helicopter despite explicit CIA requests not to, it reported.


Untold Story of the Bay of Pigs

Bay of Pigs: JFKFrom a transport ship floating in Cuba’s Bay of Pigs, CIA operative Grayston Lynch knew the U.S. mission to overthrow Fidel Castro was faltering. The Cuban exiles he had brought with him had abandoned their posts, so he grabbed the boat’s recoilless rifles and machine guns and began firing at the aircraft overhead.

On a day of chaos and infamy in April 1961, Lynch would soon understand the consequences of his shooting. He had fired on his agency’s own planes, which were trying to protect the U.S.-led Cuban exiles invading the island from being slaughtered by Castro’s forces. “We couldn’t tell them from the Castro planes,” Lynch later explained.


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