Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update08:47:26 PM GMT

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America world’s Number One? Think again

Old GloryOn the World Bank list, the United States came fourth behind Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand. In the Bertelsmann study the United States ranked a dismal 27th.

It shows the United States as the country with the biggest rich-poor gap of those examined, except for Mexico and Chile. On providing health care, it ranks 23rd; on access to education 20th. Five Scandinavian countries – Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland – topped the list, prompting the conclusion that social justice and economic performance are not mutually exclusive.


ABC And CBS News Both Cut Away Due To Technical Difficulties At Onset Of Oakland Police Violence

In more on the mainstream media’s bizarre coverage of Tuesday night’s police brutality in Oakland, a number of blogs have commented on this — both ABC and CBS local affiliates had helicopters providing live feeds as events unfolded in front of Oakland’s City Hall. Allegedly, both television channels cut their transmissions when the police began attacking protesters, and both said it was due to their helicopters’ needing refueling. That’s right — both the ABC and CBS helicopters ran out of fuel at the same moment. The moment when the newsworthy events began to occur. One can only say, wow. Oakland Local writes:


The Triumph of America's Supranational Emergency State

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the American Constitution. On October 26, 2001, the Bush administration and U.S. Congress passed the Patriot (Traitor) Act and used the false flag 9/11 attacks to sell it to the American people.

The prediction that the Traitor Act would help the U.S. National Security State completely take over American society has come true. Useless government agencies like the TSA, FBI, IRS, DEA and CIA have been given carte blanche to spy on Americans and crush dissent.


Feds arrest 11 people connected to multimillion dollar LIRR pension scam

LIRR disability scamA $1 billion disability scam for retiring Long Island Rail Road workers was exposed Thursday with the arrest of 11 people - including a pair of crooked doctors, authorities said.

Orthopedists Peter Ajemian and Peter Lesniewski recommended nearly 1,000 LIRR employees for illegal benefits between 1998-2009, turning their offices into "disability mills," according to a criminal complaint.


Brooklyn black-market kidney broker pleads guilty to selling Israeli organs to desperate Americans

Brroklyn organ black marketA Brooklyn man became the first person in the U.S. convicted of organ-trafficking when he pleaded guilty Thursday to selling black-market kidneys at a huge markup.

Levy Izhak Rosenbaum, 60, faces up to 20 years in prison but plans to ask a judge to let him simply forfeit his paydays and go free. Rosenbaum, of Borough Park, admitted to brokering just three transplants, though he boasted on secret tapes that he actually handled "quite a lot" during the decade-long scheme.


By Way Of Deception

Earlier this week I learned from the Jerusalem post how desperate notorious Zionists Alan Dershowitz and ADL’s Abe Foxman are to stop my new book ‘The Wandering Who’.  It seems that Foxman, Dershowitz and their allies amongst the Jewish ‘anti’-Zionists (aka ‘anti-Zionist Zionists’ or AZZ) are in a state of total hysteria. So far, the book has been endorsed by some of the most distinguished academics, writers and humanists in contemporary discourse. It has been praised on every dissident outlet around the world.


Official VFP Statement Regarding Occupy Incident in Oakland

Veterans for Peace statementVeteran For Peace member, Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq, is in hospital now in stable but serious condition with a fractured skull, struck by a police projectile fired into a crowd in downtown Oakland, California in the early morning hours of today.

Other people were injured in the assault and many were arrested after Oakland police in riot gear were ordered to evict people encamped in the ongoing "Occupy Oakland" movement.  Olsen is also a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War.


In light of Shalit swap, 29 Palestinian women demand Israel return bodies of family members

Palestinian women ask for bodies Following the release of Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit, 29 Palestinian women have demanded Israel return bodies of their family members currently in Israel's possession.

Since 1967, Israel has held about 180 bodies of Palestinians killed in various clashes, and those of suicide bombers. Most of the bodies are held in a cemetery for enemy combatants, near Adam Bridge in the Jordan Valley.


Fracking used more diesel fuel than estimated, lawmakers say

Fracking used more diesel fuelThree U.S. House members investigating the use of toxic substances in the fluids injected into natural gas wells have revised their estimate of the amount of diesel fuel used in the practice, known as hydraulic fracturing or "fracking."

Rep. Henry Waxman of Los Angeles, the ranking Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, joined Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Diana DeGette (D-Colo.) in sending a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency.


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