Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update08:47:26 PM GMT

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Israeli NGO: Displacement of Palestinians 'a war crime'

Displacement of Palestinians 'a war crime'Israel is forcing Palestinians out of East Jerusalem as part of a deliberate policy that might constitute a war crime, a prominent Israeli non-governmental organisation said, a charge rejected by Jerusalem's mayor.

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) has presented the United Nations with its findings on Monday and demanded an inquiry, saying Israel targeted Palestinians by demolishing homes, revoking residency and eroding quality of life.


World's most powerful laser to tear apart the vacuum of space

World's most powerful laserDue to follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider, the latest "big science" experiment being proposed by physicists will see the world's most powerful laser being constructed.

Capable of producing a beam of light so intense that it would be equivalent to the power received by the Earth from the sun focused onto a speck smaller than a tip of a pin, scientists claim it could allow them boil the very fabric of space – the vacuum.


AIPAC Rules: U.S cuts funding as first U.N. agency recognizes Palestine

UNESCOUNESCO, the United Nations cultural agency, accepted Palestine as a full member on Monday, angering the United States, which announced that it would cut off funding to the international body.

The 107-14 vote, with 52 abstentions, was the first tangible result of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' application in September for U.N. membership with borders that include the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians hope that their success in achieving membership in UNESCO will be a springboard to other international bodies, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Health Organization.


THE TRICK - Being Played on the 99%

The TRICK - Bob AlexanderThe leaders and law makers in the government are psychopaths. The heads of the media, the military, and Wall Street are intraspecies predators. They are in complete control. We are ruled by monsters.

You don’t think so? You can’t accept the idea that our society is completely dominated by these inhuman freaks? Well … ask yourself a couple of questions.

Who does the system protect? And who does the system prosecute?


Is Your Religion a Cult? Of Course It Is!

Religion is the single most powerful destructive weapon when used against the human mind's ability to think critically. It conditions young forming minds to accept "truth" from an authority figure no matter how little support that "truth" has in the material world. It conditions you to believe the words of people who can then get you to believe one unbelievable thing after know...idiotic things like that "terrorists want to kill you because they don't like your freedom!" Do you really believe that nonsense? Have you ever actually heard anyone on this planet threaten any American because they opposed our freedom? How many of you believe that? Why? I will tell you is because one of your trusted authorities (TV news person, politician, clergy), told you to believe it...and your religiously broken critical thinking process did not kick in and make you ask for verifications or simply see that idiocy for what it is...unverified, illogical, unsubstantiated, childish idiocy!


U.S. had advance warning of abuse at Afghan prisons, officials say

Afghan prison abuse was knownAcross the street from U.S. military headquarters in Kabul, shrouded from view by concrete walls, the Afghan intelligence agency runs a detention facility for up to 40 terrorism suspects that is known as Department 124. So much torture took place inside, one detainee told the United Nations, that it has earned another name: “People call it Hell.”

But long before the world body publicly revealed “systematic torture” in Afghan intelligence agency detention centers, top officials from the State Department, CIA and U.S. military received multiple warnings about abuses at Department 124 and other Afghan facilities, according to Afghan and Western officials with knowledge of the situation.


Skeptic finds he now agrees global warming is real

Richaerd MullerA prominent physicist and skeptic of global warming spent two years trying to find out if mainstream climate scientists were wrong. In the end, he determined they were right: Temperatures really are rising rapidly.

The study of the world's surface temperatures by Richard Muller was partially bankrolled by a foundation connected to global warming deniers. He pursued long-held skeptic theories in analyzing the data. He was spurred to action because of "Climategate," a British scandal involving hacked emails of scientists.


Cover-up at St Paul's

Clerics suppress report on bankers' greed to save church embarrassment

A highly critical report into the moral standards of bankers has been suppressed by St Paul's Cathedral amid fears that it would inflame tensions over the Occupy London tent protest.

But publication of the report, by the St Paul's Institute, has been delayed in an apparent acknowledgement that it would leave the impression that the cathedral was on the side of the protesters.


Afghanistan, Iraq Crime Increasing, According To New Report

Crime in Iraq, Afghanistan increasingA Marine in Iraq sent home $43,000 in stolen cash by hiding it in a footlocker among American flags. A soldier shipped thousands more concealed in a toy stuffed animal. An embassy employee tricked the State Department into wiring $240,000 into his foreign bank account.

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan wind down, the number of people indicted and convicted by the U.S. for bribery, theft and other reconstruction-related crimes in both countries is rapidly rising, according to two government reports released Sunday.


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