Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update12:33:50 AM GMT

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Medicare's drug coverage gap shrinks

MedicareMedicare's prescription coverage gap is getting noticeably smaller and easier to manage this year for millions of older and disabled people with high drug costs.

The "doughnut hole," an anxiety-inducing catch in an otherwise popular benefit, will shrink about 40 percent for those unlucky enough to land in it, according to new Medicare figures provided in response to a request from The Associated Press.


The boys who cry “Holocaust”

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and neonconservative William Kristol The same neocon hawks who lied us into Iraq are using the ultimate argument-stopper to push war with Iran

When hawks begin beating the drums for war in the Middle East, Israel is usually a big reason why. That was true in the run-up to the war in Iraq, and it is doubly true with the current  hysteria over Iran. Despite disingenuous claims to the contrary, the only reason the U.S. is even talking about war with Iran is Israel. As the invaluable M.J. Rosenberg, who knows the working of the Israel lobby as only a former card-carrying member can, notes, “It is impossible to find a single politician or journalist advocating war with Iran who is not a neocon or an AIPAC cutout. (They’re often both.)”


Man-Made Super-Flu Could Kill Half Humanity

bird-flu-killerA virus with the potential to kill up to half the world’s population has been made in a lab. Now academics and bioterrorism experts are arguing over whether to publish the recipe, and whether the research should have been done in the first place.

­The virus is an H5N1 bird flu strain which was genetically altered to become much more contagious. It was created by Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, who first presented his work to the public at an influenza conference in Malta in September.


Israel's desert plan would uproot 30,000 Bedouin

Israel's desert plan

Bulldozed by Israel more than two dozen times, a village known by Bedouin Arabs as Al-Arakib is one of many ramshackle desert communities whose names have never appeared on any official map.

If Israel's parliament adopts proposed new legislation, it never will.

The plan to demolish more Bedouin homes in the southern Negev region and move 30,000 people to government-authorized villages connected to power and water lines has been hailed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a "historic opportunity" to improve Bedouin lives.


The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy

Brandon Watts of Occupy Wall StreetThe violent police assaults across the US are no coincidence. Occupy has touched the third rail of our political class's venality

The National Union of Journalists and the Committee to Protect Journalists issued a Freedom of Information Act request to investigate possible federal involvement with law enforcement practices that appeared to target journalists. The New York Times reported that "New York cops have arrested, punched, whacked, shoved to the ground and tossed a barrier at reporters and photographers" covering protests.


Three Aftershocks Jolt Central Oklahoma Friday

Oklahoma earthquakesAfter nearly three days without one, the past two days have been active for earthquakes in central Oklahoma, with three more recorded Friday, including two within 53 seconds of each other.

A 2-point-7 magnitude quake was reported at 2:08 p.m. Friday about nine miles north-northeast of Shawnee. It was followed less than a minute later by a 3-point-3 temblor about eight miles northeast of the first.


UK extremely worried about stolen nukes

Is the UK frantically trying to find out where they were sold on the “Black Market”?

We know something that you don't…… but can't talk about it Under the Nuclear Explosions Act otherwise we will all end up in goal for life.

Chris McGreal of the Guardian newspaper published an article 24th of May 2010 revealing how Israel offered to sell nukes to South Africa during the apartheid era. What he failed to reveal was that Israel struck up a deal with South Africa to move its technicians down to the high-security weapons research and development facilities at Pelindaba.


Police 'killed deaf cyclist with stun gun after he failed to obey instructions to stop'

Roger AnthonyA police officer killed an elderly, deaf and mentally disabled man riding his bicycle by shooting him with a Taser stun gun after he failed to obey instructions to stop.

Roger Anthony, 61, was killed as he made his way home in Scotland Neck, South Carolina, after officers responded to a 911 call about a man who had fallen off his bicycle in a car park.

Officers said they repeatedly told Mr Anthony to get off his bike, but when he didn't respond, they shocked him.


Joe Paterno & Louis Freeh Linked to Opus Dei

Joe Paterno and Jerry SanduskyJoe Paterno and Louis Freeh are  linked to the Knights of Columbus, part of the Jesuit Opus Dei  complex, and the object of many child sex abuse complaints.

Louis Freeh's appointment to investigate Penn State points to a cover-up.

Although Opus Dei is known to deny membership information when questioned, Louis Freeh attended St. Catherine of Siena Opus Dei Parish as did the infamous convicted spy Robert Hanssen who was also a member of the FBI and Opus Dei.


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