Tuesday, Oct 08th

Last update02:47:39 AM GMT

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Israel weighs bill to legalize West Bank outposts built on private Palestinian land

West Bank outpostThe Ministerial Committee for Legislation is due to discuss Sunday a bill that would legalize construction on private Palestinian land, Haaretz learned on Thursday.

According to the bill, initiated by Habayit Hayehudi MK Zevulun Orlev, Palestinian owners could not demand the clearing of residential construction on their land if they failed to claim it for 4 years since the construction's conclusion.


U.S. plans to adopt strict limits on using chimpanzees in medical research

US to end chimp researchThe government on Thursday said it would adopt strict new limits on using chimpanzees in medical research, after a prestigious scientific group recommended that experiments with humans' closest relative be done only as a last resort.

The National Institutes of Health agreed that science has advanced enough that chimps seldom would be needed to help develop new medicines.


There's No Hiding from Tar Sands Oil

Tar sands oilRecent debate over the Keystone XL oil pipeline has turned a spotlight on Canada's controversial and oil-rich tar sands, which would be the source of crude oil flowing through the pipe to the Gulf of Mexico.

Tar sands oil has faced stiff criticism from environmental groups, which say that it's far dirtier than its Middle Eastern counterpart despite claims from the Canadian government and industry groups that they keep a close eye on environmental impact.


Americans face Guantánamo detention after Obama climbdown

Guantanomo for Americans permittedBarack Obama has abandoned a commitment to veto a new security law that allows the military to indefinitely detain without trial American terrorism suspects arrested on US soil who could then be shipped to Guantánamo Bay.

Human rights groups accused the president of deserting his principles and disregarding the long-established principle that the military is not used in domestic policing. The legislation has also been strongly criticised by libertarians on the right angered at the stripping of individual rights for the duration of "a war that appears to have no end".


Vandals torch second Palestinian mosque

Vandals torch second Palestinian mosqueVandals set fire to a mosque in the West Bank on Thursday and defaced it with Hebrew graffiti a day after a similar arson attack on a Jerusalem mosque. Suspicion fell on Jewish extremists widely assumed to be behind stepped-up violence against Palestinians and the Israeli military.

The governor of the Palestinian city of Ramallah, Laila Ghanam, said arsonists doused the mosque in the village of Burqa with gasoline, then set it on fire.


Marines promoted inflated story for Medal of Honor winner

Marines inflated storyWith Dakota Meyer standing at attention in his dress uniform, sweat glistening on his forehead under the television lights, President Barack Obama extolled the former Marine corporal for the “extraordinary actions” that had earned him the Medal of Honor, the nation’s highest award for valor.

Obama told the audience in the White House East Room on Sept. 15 that Meyer had driven into the heart of a savage ambush in eastern Afghanistan against orders. He'd killed insurgents at near-point-blank range, twice leapt from his gun turret to rescue two dozen Afghan soldiers and saved the lives of 13 U.S. service members as he fought to recover the bodies of four comrades, the president said.


Israeli Jewish hate rally against Africans in Tel Aviv caught on video as Haaretz deletes article about it

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz mysteriously removed from its website an article exposing atrocious Israeli racism against black people just hours after it was published.

Video taken at the rally and posted on YouTube by Sheen, shows some of the vile racism, including by Knesset member Michael Ben-Ari.


The Great Unheard Of Debate On Overpopulation

US population chart None of it is pretty. Water, energy, resources, quality of life, carbon footprint, standard of living, crowding, species extinction, ecological footprint and more consequences face our children.

Nonetheless, the United States adds 8,100 people daily, 3.1 million annually net gain and races headlong toward another 100 million by 2035. But Americans stand around like cows in a pasture swishing their tails as another indolent day passes.


Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves?

The Illuminati reveal their domination by placing their symbols on our currency, ID cards, civic and corporate logos. Their monuments, architecture, hand signs and signals are everywhere. Why do they proclaim their presence instead of maintaining secrecy?

The Illuminati do not see themselves merely as assuming power, but taking BACK what they consider their rightful place and their natural property: being in control of Human Destiny. In their minds, Human history is, and long has been, an issue of war.


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