Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update12:32:03 AM GMT

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It is time for justice for Iranian dissidents in Iraq

Iranian dissentants in IraqOutlandish is probably the polite way to describe a claim made by the U.S. State Department during a recent court hearing on the People's Mujahedin of Iran.

State Department counsel told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit that the U.S. government had never had access to Camp Ashraf, the town to the north of Baghdad where many PMOI activists have lived for decades.


Netanyahu ordered evacuation of Hebron home over fears of war crimes suits

Hebron settlementsPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the evacuation of a Hebron home taken by settlers last month after being informed that the expropriation of Palestinian homes and lands could complicate Israeli officials in war crimes litigation, Haaretz learned on Sunday.

Last month, Israeli security forces evacuated Israeli settlers from a house in a Palestinian neighborhood in Hebron, in a surprise move that ended an affair that sparked controversy across Israel and caused a rift in the government.


Draft CIA Bay of Pigs report stays secret

Bay of Pigs prisonerA U.S. judge has refused to release a draft conclusion by a CIA historian that blames the Kennedy administration for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Senior U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler, sitting in Washington, ruled Thursday that the work, the fifth volume of a CIA history of the operation, is not covered by the Freedom of Information Act, The Miami Herald reported. She said it was "rejected for inclusion in the final project."


New York Times openly admits domestic terror plots masterminded by the FBI

If it seems as though the FBI is making a large number of terror busts these days, maybe it's because the agency itself is at least partly responsible for hatching the plots. That has some political observers wondering if the FBI's strategies are making the best use of the nation's limited counterterrorist resources.

"Many times," says Dean Boyd, a Justice Department spokesman, "suspects are warned about the seriousness of their plots and given opportunities to back out." But, the Times report indicates recorded conversations show that the warning is not always given, and that in some cases suspects are even encouraged to continue.



Plume-gate: Secret documents prove global cover-up of continued Fukushima radiation pollution

Fukushima Plume-gateA Freedom of Information Act(FOIA) request filed by Friends of the Earth (FoE), Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), and the Nuclear Information and Resource Center (NIRS) has unearthed a shocking series of new evidence proving a deliberate, global cover-up of the true severity of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. And the unfortunate reality is that the mainstream media continues to blatantly ignore this colossal scandal.

Private emails, meeting transcripts and other key documents reveal that both the Obama White House and the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) were well aware of just how bad things really were with Fukushima from the early days of the disaster, but did nothing to warn the public about it. In fact, NRC and the White House purposely did not warn Americans about a massive radiation plume that struck the West Coast just days after the massive earthquake and tsunami hit Japan's eastern coast.


Surprise! Monsanto-Funded Research Finds Their Products Safe

Increasingly, the front lines of the information warfare being perpetuated by corporations upon the people are moving into peer-reviewed biomedical and life sciences journals. Once considered a place where rigorous, empirical science -- i.e. the truth -- is vindicated and publicly acknowledged, these journals, and the scientists who publish in them, are no longer capable of maintaining the once hard and fast illusion that they are immune to the corrupting influence of industry.


Murdoch driver: I told Jeremy Hunt about cash drops to Met police at Hyde Park tennis courts

Paul Maley, who worked as a News International chauffeur for four years until 2009, is preparing extraordinary evidence for the Leveson Inquiry in which he is expected to reveal a 40-minute encounter with the Culture Secretary.

Mr Maley told Mr Hunt during the meeting last September that he handed more than a dozen packages containing cash to police officers while working for the company.


From Josh Fox's Mom: A Mother’s Day Letter to the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama

Fracking towerDear Mrs. Obama: We are mothers from all walks of life writing to you about an urgent matter: the health threats to our children posed by extreme forms of fossil fuel extraction, in particular, the process of drilling oil and natural gas using high-volume, hydraulic fracturing, known as “fracking.”

The ongoing drilling and fracking boom has spurred the proliferation of drill rigs in
backyards, schoolyards, and family farms across America. These are places where our
children live, play, and learn. Even areas near daycare centers and summer camps have
been targeted for drilling and fracking, a process in which explosives and high-pressure
mixtures of water and chemicals are used to blast apart bedrock.


Forced Exodus From Shale Drilling Areas Throughout PA

FrackingSome of the most vital, communicative Pennsylvanians I personally know, from as far west as Butler County and as far northeast as Susquehanna County, are being pushed into an exodus, attempting to move away from beloved homes that have become unbearable due to gas drilling.

Others are being pushed out against their will and face homelessness due to corporations only too eager to get a piece of the action, like water privatization giant Aqua America and its subsidiary partners such as Aqua PVR.


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