Wednesday, Oct 09th

Last update12:32:03 AM GMT

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Legionaries of Christ priest admits he fathered child

Legion of ChristA Catholic priest who has appeared on U.S. television as a Vatican analyst has admitted fathering a child out of wedlock.

The Rev. Thomas Williams, a member of the troubled Legionaries of Christ, said he is taking a leave of absence to reflect on his commitments as a priest, ABC News reported Wednesday.


Former CIA Agent Claims Americans Did Not Kill bin Laden

Osama bin Laden died a natural death nearly 5 years before it was announced that he was eliminated by the American commandos. This sensational statement was made by a Turkish politician, and a former U.S. intelligence agent. In an interview with Russia’s Channel One, he said that the Americans simply found and opened the tomb of the leader of al-Qaeda.


OKC & 9/11 Investigator Victim Of Set-Up?

Could a former FBI Special Agent who investigated the OKC Bombing and the 9/11 attacks be the victim of a set-up?

“A former FBI Supervisory special agent who worked on some of the bureau’s most high profile terrorism and bombing cases including the Unabomber case, the USS Cole bombing, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the 9/11 attacks, has been arrested and charged with distributing child pornography,” reports ABC News.


Venezuela Leads The World In Supporting Workers With Its New Labor Law

Venezuela's National Assembly passed extraordinary new labor laws in support of workers on April 30, 2012. In a time when workers have had their rights stripped away and capitalist economies are collapsing throughout the United States and Europe, the Venezuelan government has managed to keep its economy thriving and has given the bounty to Venezuelan workers. We regard these new laws to be the most progressive labor legislation in the world today. We thank Axis of Logic Columnist, Arturo Rosales for his report and analysis.


Fukushima: Physicist: Unit 2 completely liquified, 100% liquification of uranium core — “We’ve never seen this before in the history of nuclear power” VIDEO

Fukushima reactor 4 still threatens the world as we know. We’ll spend the hour with Dr. Micio Kaku.

Unit 2 we now know completely liquified. We’ve never seen this before in the history of nuclear power. A 100% liquification of a uranium core.


Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Why so little condemnation of Israel's extremism?

Their country is protected from censure partly because of fears that any criticism of its actions is potentially "anti-Semitic". Some anti-Semites do use Israel as a cover, but then Israel uses that fact to tar and warn all legitimate criticism. Its governments do what they damn-well want and claim perpetual exceptionality. Their darkest deeds are thus left unscrutinised. This time though, it is suddenly dawning on some key people, among them the hapless Middle East saviour Tony Blair, that these "martyrs" could trigger another Intifada. He is urging Israeli officials to "take all measures to prevent a tragic outcome that could have serious implications for stability and security". Why, he even uttered the words "human rights". The UN and other bodies have intervened. They will all be rebuffed, so monstrous are the egos of the ultra-right wing leadership. In any case Netanyahu et al can point – and with absolute validity – at Guantanamo Bay and our own prisoners held without trial. They are all in it together.


Kodak Had a Secret Nuclear Reactor Loaded With Enriched Uranium Hidden In a Basement

Kodak WTFKodak may be going under, but apparently they could have started their own nuclear war if they wanted, just six years ago. Down in a basement in Rochester, NY, they had a nuclear reactor loaded with 3.5 pounds of enriched uranium—the same kind they use in atomic warheads.

But why did Kodak have a hidden nuclear reactor loaded with weapons-grade uranium? And how did they get permission to own it, let alone install it in a basement in the middle of a densely populated city?


Phone hacking: Rebekah Brooks charged with perverting course of justice

Rebekah BrooksRebekah Brooks, the former News International chief executive, has been charged over the alleged destruction of evidence relating to phone-hacking.

The former editor of the News of the World and the Sun attended Lewisham Police station in South London where she was charged.

She was charged with five others, including her husband Charlie Brooks, who attended Hammersmith Police station in West London.


Wrong man was executed in Texas, probe says

Even "all the relatives of both Carloses mistook them," and DeLuna was sentenced to death and executed based only on eyewitness accounts despite a range of signs he was not a guilty man, said law professor James Liebman.

Liebman and five of his students at Columbia School of Law spent almost five years poring over details of a case that he says is "emblematic" of legal system failure.


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