Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Officer marches into woman's home and yells at her to wake up because her grass is too long

Erica Masters was asleep when Columbia County Code Compliance Officer Jimmy Vowell entered her Martinez, Georgia, home without permission to serve a violation notice for her overgrown lawn.

After knocking on the woman's door a few times, Vowell let himself and made his way into her bedroom, which was captured on surveillance video.


Couple arrested for dancing while waiting for the train in New York.

A couple waiting for the train to arrive decided to dance a little but they were arrested by New York City Police officers.

Caroline Stern, 55, and her boyfriend George Hess, 54, claim they were handcuffed by having happy feet on the platform of the subway station at Columbus Circle and spent 23 hours in custody as a result.


Judiciary panel appointed by Netanyahu concludes: There is no occupation

Israeli Justice Edmonod LevyA panel formed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has concluded that Israel is entitled to settle the West Bank with Jews. The committee, headed by former Supreme Court Justice Edmond Levy, claims that Israel’s control over the West Bank cannot be seen as “occupation” since no country has recognized sovereignty over the territory.

Therefore, the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prevents the transfer of a civilian population by an occupying force into the occupied territory, does not apply to the West Bank. Justice Levy recommends that the Israeli government end the temporary status of the settlements and register the settlers’ control over the territory.


New study explodes gas industry's claim that fracking won't contaminate local drinking water

Fracking pollutesOne of the key arguments in the case for fracking rests on an appeal to common sense. The hydraulic fracturing process — pushing gallons upon gallons of chemical-laden water into shale rock in order to bubble up natural gas — takes place deep in the ground, thousands of feet below the earth’s surface and thousands of feet below the shallow aquifers that provide drinking water.

Given the distance between the water and the fracking fluid, there’s just no way fracking could contaminate aquifers, the gas industry and its allies argue. So many layers of rock lie between noxious fracking fluid and water that the risks of chemical-laced drinking water don’t compute.


First half of 2012 USA's warmest on record

Warmest half year on recordIt won't be a news flash for the 250 million sweltering Americans east of the Rockies, but the first half of the year has been the USA's warmest on record, federal climate scientists announced Monday.

Twenty-eight states and more than 100 cities have posted their warmest first six months on record, based on national weather data that go back to 1895, according to the report from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.


Prairie2: Advanced Alien Liars Recovered Near Roswell NM

Roswell alienIt's the 65th anniversary of the first battle between the US Military and aliens over Roswell NM in 1947. That's as good of a story as any. It might explain the many trillions spent on "defense" since. Surely the critics who say we have just been supporting the lifestyles of a few hundred millionaires with all that money are wrong.

After all, President Eisenhower gave several speeches warning us against dangers the Alien Industrial Complex, and how we needed massive diversions of money away from schools and hospitals to combat it.


Alex Baer: Present, in the Land of the Surreal

DeathYou know the expression:  If it's not one thing after another, it's the same damn thing, over and over again.  The over-and-over part:  being on deathwatch, then losing another family member.  The damn thing, in this case:  Cancer.

It's the way these things go for those who survive:  Too many events are suspended in the fog of the surreal.  The sequence of events rubberizes and freezes clocks, stretching out and shrinking time.  Gravity is too variable, but almost always heavy-handed -- trying to run, or move quickly, makes one feel submerged to the neck in bread pudding.


More Demands on Cell Carriers in Surveillance

In the first public accounting of its kind, cellphone carriers reported that they responded to a startling 1.3 million demands for subscriber information last year from law enforcement agencies seeking text messages, caller locations and other information in the course of investigations.

The reports also reveal a sometimes uneasy partnership with law enforcement agencies, with the carriers frequently rejecting demands that they considered legally questionable or unjustified. At least one carrier even referred some inappropriate requests to the F.B.I.


Gates and Monsanto Go After Milk

Bill GatesMonsanto's head of the FDA's food safety division is threatening to get rid of raw (real) milk, and the real reason for this may have reared its ugly head.

While Gates is looking to genetically engineer milk and perhaps gut bacteria itself, a significant study has just shown that normal bacteria-rich yogurt which supports the person's own gut bacteria (their immune system) equals or even outdoes AIDS drugs.


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