Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Prairie2: Sometimes Giant Holes Just Happen

Black holeLast week there was a large spike in unemployment claims and it was proclaimed that OBAMA CAUSES THE END OF THE WORLD  by the right leaning corporate media. This week the number is down by even more and they are calling that an "unexplained aberration".

The five week moving average continues coming down (that's a good thing). Weekly numbers often need to be corrected later because of delays in the states' reporting data. If there was a holiday that week you can count on it.


Why is maternal mortality so high in the U.S.?

US maternal mortalityThe U.S. is one of 23 countries where maternal mortality is on the rise, though that may change once the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, comes into effect. New York City and California provide a glimpse into why the rates may be so high.

The future of pregnant women in the United States is on the threshold of dramatic change. Aug. 1 marks the day insurance providers and Medicaid will be required to cover preventative care for women.


Study: Radiation Therapy Can Make Cancers 30x More Malignant

Following on the heels of recent revelations that x-ray mammography may be contributing to an epidemic of future radiation-induced breast cancers, in a new article titled, "Radiation Treatment Generates Therapy Resistant Cancer Stem Cells From Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells," published in the journal Cancer July 1st, 2012, researchers from the Department of Radiation Oncology at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center report that radiation treatment actually drives breast cancer cells into greater malignancy.


Fox, MSNBC viewers see world differently

FOX newsThe television remote control has become a de facto ballot in today’s hyper-polarized world of politics.

Turn the dial to the left to watch MSNBC and it’s more likely you lean left. Turn it to the right to tune in Fox, and it’s more likely you lean right. Which cable news channel people watch has become a bona fide indicator of what they think about taxes, health care, immigration and the size and scope of the federal government, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.


BP sued over massive release of pollutants in Texas

BP suedWith the world focused on a BP rig explosion in the spring of 2010 that caused the worst oil spill in U.S. history, a massive release of pollutants from the company’s Texas City refinery went largely unnoticed.

The April 20, 2010, explosion of the Deep­water Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico came two weeks after the BP refinery began releasing pollutants into the air through a 300-foot flare that is designed to burn them away. BP reported at least 538,000 pounds of gases, including 17,371 pounds of cancer-causing benzene, spewed from the flare over 40 days.


Alex Baer: PUR Public Relations

PUR water filterGetting a straight answer in this world anymore is next door to impossible:  You can ring the doorbell for Fact all day and night, but, only Spin will come to the door. The latest case in point:  writing a corporation with a helpful suggestion, where everyone wins. You already know how this turns out, I'll bet.  For the record, and to help flesh out your imaginations, some detail:

We live out in the country, in an area where our drinking water needs filtering from various muds and murk.  We use the handy (but expensive-seeming, for our monthly budget) replaceable-cartridge water filters from PUR.  (Short commercial:  They do a pretty good job.)


Prairie2: A Good Suit Makes the Man

Sandy WeillSandy Weill’s name may not be a household word, but it should be. If you want to blame just one man for the banks eating us all alive, he would be the one. As head of Citi-Group (or rather the bank that would become Citi-Group) he pushed through the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act that had kept the banks in check for 2/3 of the 20th century.

He and others of his ilk were able to sell the idea (or more accurately buy the belief from politicians, the media and so-called experts) that modern bankers knew what they were doing. After all there hadn’t been a banking collapse since the end of the Republican Hoover administration in 1933.


No Filming on Public Land: You’re Under ’Terrorist Law’

Media and civil liberties groups have expressed alarm after the managers of an Olympic venue pledged to intercept and question anyone seen photographing or filming the site, even from public land, and defended security guards who wrongly tried to invoke terrorist laws to prevent footage being shot of the arena.

John Toner from the National Union of Journalists said he would seek an urgent meeting with managers of the O2, saying their tactics had no basis in law. "I’m stunned, and what they say is utterly outrageous," he said.


Far from a Humanitarian Savior, the U.S. Causes Vast Misery In Africa

Americans want to believe their president when he poses as a humanitarian world leader. But Africa knows different. Literally millions have died and been displaced as a direct result of U.S. imperial strategies. “American policy in Africa is to create chaos, and then to present itself as the cure.”


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