Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update06:44:04 AM GMT

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Congress confirms TSA is lawless, rogue agency that endangers the health and dignity of Americans

A new report by House Republican members of the Homeland Security Committee's subcommittee on Transportation Security essentially confirms what many Americans have known for years: The Transportation Security Administration is inept, overly burdensome to the transportation industry and largely ineffective in terms of identifying future threats.

In classic understatement fashion the report, titled, "Rebuilding TSA into a Smarter, Leaner Organization," concluded that "despite the reality that we have not endured another successful terrorist attack since 2001, TSA is failing to meet taxpayers' expectations."


Latest research shows vaccinated children more chronically ill than non-vaccinated

According to the CDC, the number of vaccines that are given to children has increased more than three times in the last 29 years. In 1983, children were given 10 shots from birth to 6 years of age, compared to 36-38 for the same age group in 2012.

Vaccines can carry with them very serious side effects, ranging from mild complications such as fever or rash, to major issues such as seizure and death. Children who are lucky enough to evade any major difficulties, can carry with them health problems that will last the rest of their lives. According to a survey on VaccineInjury.Info, vaccinated children have a much higher rate of autism, ear infections, ADHD, asthma and allergies - in some cases even 30 percent higher than children who are not vaccinated. The assessment continues to show that unvaccinated children were less likely to suffer from hyperactivity, skin disorders, autoimmune disorders, depression, anxiety and many other diseases. In addition to the fact that they are being shown to cause health problems, vaccines that are being given today have not been tested for long-term safety. Most of the studies only evaluate side effects that occur within 48-72 hours, while the truth is that many serious side effects show up long after that time span.

The Problem


The Latest Sneak Attacks in a Coordinated Effort to Eliminate Vaccine Exemptions

vaccineAll across the United States, people are fighting for their right to choose not to be injected with vaccines against their will, and this is just the latest tactic in a coordinated effort aimed at eliminating all vaccine exemptions.

The Gates Foundation is even funding surveillance of anti-vaccine groups. Seth C. Kalichman, professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut recently received a $100,000 grant to establish an Anti-Vaccine Surveillance and Alert System.


Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness

flue shotThe Canadian press recently broke the story that new research confirms initial findings that the flu vaccine appeared to actually increase people's risk of getting sick with H1N1, and cause more serious bouts of illness to boot.

'What was a bit surprising when we looked at some of the data from Canada and Hong Kong in the last year is that people who have been vaccinated in 2008 with the seasonal or ordinary vaccine seemed to have twice the risk of getting swine flu compared to the people who hadn't received that vaccine,' [Professor Collignon from the Australian National University] said.


Dave Camp, Orrin Hatch tell New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to back off

NY AG told to back offThe top Republican tax writers are calling on the New York attorney general to cease an investigation into the secret financial records of close to two dozen tax-exempt groups that have been funneling millions of dollars into this year’s election.

Rep. Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a letter released Monday that New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s attempts to obtain tax information directly from these groups violates federal privacy laws.


Monsanto's Roundup Is the Most Used Herbicide in NYC

Roundup used in NYCAccording to the Department of Health's report on city pesticide use in 2011, Roundup, the weed-killing key to Monsanto's agribusiness empire, is the city's most heavily used liquid herbicide.

Roundup is Monsanto's signature blend of glyphosate—a compound that works by disrupting an enzyme key to plant growth—and other ingredients to destroy weeds.

Monsanto's Roundup brand alone was applied by the city nearly 500 times last year—about a dozen bathtubs' worth in undiluted form, according to DOH's annual pesticide figures—mostly via the Roundup Ultra formulation, a more concentrated version of the original.


Video shows Libyans helping rescue US ambassador after attack

Christopher StevensAn amateur video appears to show Libyans trying to rescue U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens from a room filled with smoke at the U.S. mission where he was found unconscious after last week's attack by a mob protesting against a film that denigrates the Prophet Mohammad.

The video, which appeared on the internet and a copy of which was obtained by Reuters in Benghazi, confirms reports that suggested the U.S. envoy died of asphyxiation after the building caught fire.


Alex Baer: Basking in Halliburton's Glow Once Again

RadioactiveThank goodness it was a mammoth, well-connected corporation like Halliburton that lost a radioactive device on September 11.

After all, if a small company or a few individuals had been involved, there would have been a need to crank up the manure-blizzard machines, and make sure everyone was socked and clobbered with terrorism charges aplenty, for starters, following such mindless behavior.


Did this grandfather, 78, really beat 'incurable' cancer just by changing his diet? Extraordinary story of the man who got 'all-clear' after swapping red meat and dairy products for 10 fruit and veg a day

Allan TaylorA grandfather, who was told by doctors that his cancer was 'incurable', has been given the all-clear less than four months later - after trying a different diet.

Allan Taylor could have been forgiven for fearing the worst when doctors told him they could do nothing to treat his condition.

Mr Taylor, a retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough, replaced red meat and dairy products with 10 portions of raw fruit and veg each day.


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