Thursday, Oct 10th

Last update10:17:38 PM GMT

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Where Israeli Settler Terrorism Comes From

Settler terrorsimFollowing a series of violent incidents involving settler and pro-settler Jewish Israeli extremists, including the attempted lynching of a Palestinian youth in Jerusalem, many Israelis expressed concern about the rise in violent hatred within their society and wondered where it was coming from.

Several incidents over the weekend demonstrated that this trend is only intensifying and clearly pointed to why. For the answer, Israelis need look no further than across the Green Line: settler terror is an inevitable consequence of the occupation and the myriad policies of the Israeli state that enable this extremism.


Chilean bishop quits over child abuse charges

Chilean bishop quitsMarco Antonio Ordenes Fernandez, who was investigated on allegations of child abuse, has resigned as bishop of the Iquique, Chile, diocese, the Vatican said.

Ordenes, 47, was the youngest bishop to be ordained in Chile and the first Chilean bishop to be investigated by the Vatican, The Santiago Times reported. Pope Benedict XVI accepted his resignation Tuesday, the Vatican office in Chile announced.


Alex Baer: Anybody Got a Golden Crowbar?

Gordian knotThere's nothing like a new survey on religion in America to boost hope on the one hand, then turn right around and immediately crush it in another.

For example, the number of people who express no affiliation with religion is now at its highest point, at almost 20%, or one in five Americans.  That figure's up 8% in just the last five years.

Before you head off to your coven or place of crystal meditation to celebrate the increase in those suddenly swooning to their senses, you should also know that 68% of the unaffiliated say they still believe in God.


Mitt Romney's Stake in Chinese Stocks

Mitt RomneyOn the campaign trail, Mitt Romney rips President Obama's policy on China and talks tough against the rising global power. "We're going to crack down on China," he said at a recent event in Ohio.

"They've stolen our jobs; that's gotta stop." But according to Romney's recent tax returns, between 2008 and 2011 Romney invested more than a half million dollars in the stocks of 10 Chinese companies—including firms that embezzled, partnered with Iran, and stole US intellectual property.


Protests to Stop Minisink Compressor Station Continue in NY

Minisink protestsThe 16-month battle against the Minisink Compressor project in Orange County, NY, has been ramping up dramatically over the last week, and it appears to be far from over.

Despite the fact that a rehearing is pending, and further litigation is imminent, Millennium Pipeline began construction of the highly contentious natural gas facility on Oct.1. For five consecutive days, Minisink residents have managed to seriously delay construction activities by physically blocking the entrance to the site of the proposed compressor station. Two residents were arrested for disorderly conduct—a father of two young children on Monday and a local farmer on Tuesday.


Report says U.S., Israel plan Iran strike

US and Israel plan Iran strikeThe United States and Israel are considering a surgical strike on Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, Foreign Policy magazine says.

Based on a source reported to be close to discussions between the sides, the report published Monday maintains the strike may only take "a couple of hours" involving a "day or two," and would be conducted using "primarily bombers and drone support."


US military's plans for flying saucers explained in declassified documents

US military plans for UFO'sThese days, flying saucers are most commonly associated with sci-fi films and conspiracy theories, but in the 1950s, some saw them as the future of aviation.

Documents published by the US National Archives give new information about a craft commissioned by the US air force, which if successfully developed would have achieved speeds of 2,600mph and flown at around 100,000ft.

Details of the proposed craft have been around for years. But the declassified papers include new diagrams and documents that demonstrate the scale of the project's ambition.


With gas firms entering central California, vineyard owners unsure of fracking effects on land

Fracking dangersPaula Getzelman and her neighbors in the Southern Monterey County Rural Coalition have three tasks on their agenda:

1. Combat the aggressive yellow star-thistle weed that is invading vineyards. 2. Add a bike lane to the gravel road that leads to their homes.
3. Learn more about the secretive fracking operations going on over the hill.

That last item is proving thornier than any noxious weed or road expansion. New neighbors aren't common here, but gas companies are moving into California's vast central stretches in the hopes of turning the state's Monterey Shale into the next Marcellus Shale.


Einstein Letter Calling Biblical Stories 'Pretty Childish' to Be Auctioned on eBay

Albert EinsteinOn January 3, 1954 -- one year before his death -- Albert Einstein wrote a letter to Eric B. Gutkind, whose book, Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt, Einstein had recently been reading. The handwritten letter, which is in German, has been kept in good condition over the last six decades will be auctioned off on eBay over the next two weeks. Bidding will begin at $3 million. (An image of the letter is available here.)

In the letter, Einstein offers some pointed and characteristically brief thoughts on God and religion. In a key passage, he writes:


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