Saturday, Sep 28th

Last update10:05:39 PM GMT

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Israel reneges on settlement pledge

An Israeli ministerial committee has approved construction of new homes in a West Bank settlement despite a pledge to the US to stop building on the site, Israeli media reported today.

TVNL Comment: American tax money at work. Your media won't tell you about this.


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep John Conyers plans George W Bush impeachment substitute

With impeachment ruled out, it’s unclear how much the Judiciary Committee’s inquiry can accomplish, given Bush’s broad assertion of executive privilege when his subordinates are faced with congressional questions about criminal and other wrongdoing.

TVNL Comment: As I have said many's all a show. Nobody will be held accountable for the plethora of crimes commited by the Cheney/Bush administration.


Our National Water Policy: Oh, Wait, We Don't Have One

Tragically, as it turns out, faced with the urgent need to change our management of U.S. waters, Congress has, for decades, been standing "up on the watershed" -- just as in the Indigo Girls song -- and they've been floundering. But you can't say it hasn't been a bipartisan effort.


A City’s Police Force Now Doubts Terror Focus

Like most of the country’s more than 18,000 local law enforcement agencies, the Providence Police Department went to war against terror after Sept. 11, embracing a fundamental shift in its national security role.

Now, police officials here express doubts about whether the imperative to protect domestic security has blinded federal authorities to other priorities. The department is battling homicides, robberies and gang shootings that the police in a number of cities say are as serious a threat as terrorism.

The Providence police chief, Col. Dean M. Esserman, said the federal government seemed unable to balance antiterror efforts and crime fighting.


Report Says Pentagon Pressured, Intimidated Auditors

Auditors at an oversight agency of the Pentagon were pressured by supervisors to skew their reports on a major defense contractor's work, hiding wrongdoing and charges of overbilling, according to an 80-page report from the Government Accountability Office.

When the contractor, who is not named in the report, objected to the draft findings of the DCAA audit, managers at the audit agency assigned a new supervisor to the case and threatened the senior auditor with personnel action if "he did not delete findings from the report and change the draft audit opinion to adequate," according to the GAO report.


Navy Prosecutor In Gitmo Case: fourth plane shot down

Though the trial the man, dubbed “Osama bin Laden’s driver”, is primarily functioning as a show piece for the Bush administration’s “war on terror”, some interesting information emerged from the Guantanamo Bay naval base yesterday in the form of a direct admission from a US prosecutor that the fourth plane was “shot down”.

The revelation came during assertions from representatives for the prosecution that Salim Hamdan had detailed knowledge of the intended target of the fourth hijacked plane on 9/11.


TVNL Comment: This corroborates the statement made by Donald Rumsfeld, who admitted that Flight 93 had been shot down! 

Colony Collapse Disorder Debunked: Pesticides Cause Bee Deaths

The great mystery of bee deaths has been solved. Colony Collapse Disorder is poisoning with a known insect neurotoxin. Clothianidin, a pesticide manufactured by Bayer, has been clearly linked to die offs in Germany and France.

Bayer says that their use is safe for bees, when used according to instructions. This involves using a glue that keeps the pesticides stuck to the seeds on which they're used.

There are many problems with this. Agribusiness corporations are known to evade anything that costs them money. The glue costs money. The equipment and personnel required to apply it costs money. More careful pesticide application to try to keep it from becoming airborne costs money. Obviously, both unscrupulous agribusiness farmers and unknowing small farmers -- not to mention home gardeners -- will, at least occasionally, not use the glue.


Former FDA Deputy Commissioner Gottlieb Now Pushing Big Pharma Drugs

Due to his Wall Street connections with the pharmaceutical industry, Gottlieb frequently had to recuse himself from discussions that were part of his FDA duties. He gained notoriety for calling the early termination of a multiple sclerosis drug study "an overreaction," even though three participants had died, and was highly critical of the groundbreaking Women's Health Initiative study, which found that hormone replacement therapy posed more risks than benefits to women's health.

In 2005, Eli Lilly was convicted of illegally marketing osteoporosis drug Evista for off-label treatment and prevention of heart disease and cancer. According to Justice Department documents, Eli Lilly decided to market the drug off-label when early sales of the drug for osteoporosis alone proved disappointing.


Micky D's Partnership with FOX: News-vertisement?

With ad revenues falling, partly due to TiVo users recording programs and skipping through commercial breaks, Madison Avenue has recently shifted its emphasis to product placement within programming. A recent partnership between several FOX affiliates and McDonald's is getting a lot of attention.

For weeks, the same two McDonald's Iced Coffee cups have graced the bottom third of the screen on the FOX affiliate KVVU's morning news/lifestyle show. The anchors don't touch the cups, a good idea since they're fake.


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