Saturday, Sep 28th

Last update10:05:39 PM GMT

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'Major discovery' from MIT primed to unleash solar revolution

Requiring nothing but abundant, non-toxic natural materials, this discovery could unlock the most potent, carbon-free energy source of all: the sun. "This is the nirvana of what we've been talking about for years," said MIT's Daniel Nocera, the Henry Dreyfus Professor of Energy at MIT and senior author of a paper describing the work in the July 31 issue of Science. "Solar power has always been a limited, far-off solution. Now we can seriously think about solar power as unlimited and soon."

TVNL Comment: Let's see if we are allowed to have this technology!


The Death Of Freedom

History will record that taking a five week paid-leave of absence at the beginning of August 2008, just at the time when Impeachment proceedings were getting underway: even though the "hearings" were held in secret sessions ­ pretty much sums up the continued failures of this congress to faithfully conduct the public's business, especially "in a time of war."

Where are the journalistic demands for explanations; where is the rage or the outrage, now that another war is pending during yet another congressional vacation! That's right-with everyone out- of-town, who will be there to object when and if the ill-conceived moment in Iran is seized during the next five weeks-especially since there is no constitutional mandate for congress to leave town just because they can't face the things that they were sworn to deal with in a timely manner! This is cowardice in the face of reality and in an elected official that may be 'natural' but it's still unforgiveable!


Interactive guide: Who in the Bush administration broke the law, and who could be prosecuted?

One response to the amassing evidence is Nuremberg-style war-crime prosecutions. The opposite pole is blanket immunity for all lawbreakers in advance. Somewhere in the middle lies a truth-and-reconciliation commission that would try to ferret out the truth.


U.S. sub leaked radioactive water, possibly for months

Water with trace amounts of radioactivity may have leaked for months from a U.S. Navy nuclear-powered submarine as it traveled around the Pacific to ports in Guam, Japan and Hawaii, Navy officials told CNN on Friday.

The leak was found on the USS Houston, a Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine, after it went to Hawaii for routine maintenance last month, Navy officials said.

TVNL Comment: The US military...keeping us all safe!


New Lithium Nanowire Technology Boosts Lithium Ion Battery Capacity by 1000 Percent

This could extend the driving time of electric cars and the life of mobile devices such as cell phones, music players and cameras by the same amount, making a typical laptop battery last 40 hours instead of four..

"It's not a small improvement," researcher Yi Cui said. "It's a revolutionary development."

Cui expressed optimism that the technology could be commercialized within "several years."


Collapsing Bridges, Sinking Levees. It's (Past) Time to Invest

The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that nearly 25 percent of bridges in the U.S. - over 152,000 bridges - are "structurally deficient or functionally obsolete." Heavier vehicles, like school buses and delivery trucks, are forced to take lengthy detours for safer bridges. Nearly one in four miles of urban interstate is in "poor" or "mediocre" condition.


Jury fails to reach verdict in London 7/7 case

A jury failed to reach a verdict on Friday in the trial of three Britons accused of helping to plot the deadly London suicide bombings in July 2005, which left 52 dead.

Although they were not accused of being directly involved in making the bombs or carrying out the attacks, detectives said the men had shared the same extremist beliefs.


Pan American Health Organization Places Cuba as World Leader

Cuba is one of the countries that advances the most in the world with regard to medical attention, said Mirtha Roses Periago, director of the Pan American Health Organization ''PAHO''.


John Warner: Jimmy Carter Was Right

It took 30 years, but Jimmy Carter finally has gotten recognition for the wisdom of his energy policies. Speaking on Science Friday, Senator John Warner, a Republican from Virginia who first entered the Senate during Carter's term in office, said that Jimmy Carter "was right" when he called for a massive program of energy conservation and alternative energy research.

Warner has recently discovered the threat posed by global warming through his discussions with Pentagon brass who are concerned about the submerging of Naval ports around the world as the oceans rise. Though he is late to the ball, Warner readily admitted the country was asleep at the switch for the last three decades.


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