Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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Amazon could shrink by 85% due to climate change, scientists say

Global warming will wreck attempts to save the Amazon rainforest, according to a devastating new study which predicts that one-third of its trees will be killed by even modest temperature rises.



Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive assassination ring'

At a “Great Conversations” event at the University of Minnesota last night, legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh may have made a little more news than he intended by talking about new alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about an ongoing covert military operation that he called an “executive assassination ring.”


People convicted in the Abramoff lobbying scandal

Among the lawmakers, lobbyists, Bush administration officials, congressional staffers and businessmen caught up in the Jack Abramoff public corruption probe:

Abramoff was sentenced in September 2008 to four years in prison on charges of mail fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion. Since pleading guilty in 2006, the once-powerful lobbyist has cooperated with the federal investigation of influence-peddling in Washington. He is nearly two years into a six-year prison sentence in a criminal case out of Florida, where he pleaded guilty in January 2006 to charges of conspiracy, honest services fraud and tax evasion in the purchase of gambling cruise boats.

Seventeen more convictions no one hears about....

Israeli Supreme Court upholds ban on Palestinian activist from traveling to accept award

The Supreme Court of Israel has banned a Palestinian human rights activist from traveling to Amsterdam to receive a prize. Shawan Jabarin, the West Bank-based director of Palestinian human rights organization al-Haq, hoped to travel to the Netherlands Friday to receive the Geuzenpenning Prize on behalf of his organization.

But spokeswoman Ayelet Filo says the court ruled there was real evidence that he is involved with terror organizations, and therefore he will not be allowed to leave for security concerns.


We are being spoon-fed stupid again...

Can someone explain to me how 5 suspected members of Al Qaeda (although there is no question regarding KSM) suddenly got their own PR machine from inside Gitmo and at the hands of a military judge, not to mention getting  a world stage through which to frighten Americans some more?

Now stay with me here. 5 alleged Al Qaeda members issue a statement of guilt, an incendiary statement rejoicing at the lost American lives of those attacks 7 years back, through a filing with the court. This filing is accepted by the court despite some of the attorneys not being made aware that this was going to be filed or what was going to be declared on behalf of their clients. Moreover, defying President Obama's ruling putting a halt on all Gitmo military commissions, the judge on the case not only accepted this filing, but also released it to the public.


24 million go from 'thriving' to 'struggling'

The aspirations that have defined the American experience — that those who work hard and play by the rules can get ahead, and that the next generation will have a better life than this one — have been battered by a devastating recession that shows few signs of having hit bottom.

"Maybe we were dreaming the American dream, you know what I mean?"

TVNL Comment: It is called the American "dream" because that is what it is to the masses. It has never been a reality except for a very few. Far more people have lived an American nightmare.


ACLU demands Obama administration release prisoner abuse photos

Despite a unanimous federal appeals court panel ruling last year that ordered the Bush administration to do just that, the outgoing administration asked the full court to rehear the case. But the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit has yet to do so, according to a statement released Tuesday by the ACLU.

"The Obama administration's commitment to transparency is commendable," said Jameel Jaffer, Director of the ACLU's National Security Project. "We want to make sure that this rhetoric becomes reality." The Obama administration has not weighed in on the case.


Jesse Richard's Commentary VIDEO: Regarding "Revolution"

Jesse Richard, founder of, comments on the current mood of the nation. He explains that many Americans feel that the nation is ripe for revolution.

Revolution is illegal, but more importantly unnecessary. Jesse explains that the purpose of revolution is to change the type of government of a nation. For example the people living under a dictatorship may revolt in order to form a democratic government.

Well, the people of this nation do not want that. They simply want to restore their government to a legitimate representative body that obeys laws, represents the people and is not simply a tool of the establishment. No matter what the rhetoric, this is not revolution, nor is it revolutionary. It is common sense and it is quite understandable to most civilized people.

This commentary includes a special message to law enforcement and military personnel.

Restoration is not revolution. And restoration not illegal.


Pentagon knowingly exposed troops to cancer-causing chemicals, document shows

A newly leaked military document appears to show the Pentagon knowingly exposed US troops to toxic chemicals that cause cancer, while publicly downplaying the risks exposure might cause.

The document, written by an environmental engineering flight commander in December of 2006 and posted on Wikileaks (PDF) on Tuesday, details the risks posed to US troops in Iraq by burning garbage at a US airbase. It enumerates myriad risks posed by the practice and identifies various carcinogens released by incinerating waste in open-air pits.


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