Tuesday, Oct 01st

Last update06:35:34 AM GMT

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Hiding The Truth In Plain Sight

The isolated people within the mainstream media who tell a lot of truth about geo-politics make me nervous.  They may well be working with and serving the interests of the NWO by telling truth so as to gauge public response to it.  This truth telling can also serve to vicariously vent and thereby diffuse any emotions from among the portion of the public that still thinks and could potentially initiate real revolt against increasingly oppressive government.


American International Group: Political Contributions: Among Federal Candidates, 2008 Cycle

Dodd, Chris (D-CT)     Senate     $103,100
Obama, Barack (D-IL)     Senate     $101,332
McCain, John (R-AZ)     Senate     $59,499
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY)     Senate     $35,965
Baucus, Max (D-MT)     Senate     $24,750
Romney, Mitt (R)     Pres     $20,850
Biden, Joseph R Jr (D-DE)     Senate     $19,975
Larson, John B (D-CT)     House     $19,750
Sununu, John E (R-NH)     Senate     $18,500
Giuliani, Rudolph W (R)     Pres     $13,200
Kanjorski, Paul E (D-PA)     House     $12,000
Durbin, Dick (D-IL)     Senate     $11,000
Perlmutter, Edwin G (D-CO)     House     $10,500
Rangel, Charles B (D-NY)

Many more....

Military rape reports rise, prosecution still low

More people came forward to report sexual assaults in the military last year, but a significant percentage wouldn't give crucial details needed for an investigation.

The Pentagon said it received 2,923 reports of sexual assault across the military in the 12 months ending Sept. 30 2008. That's about a 9 percent increase over the totals reported the year before, but only a fraction of the crimes presumably being committed. Among the cases reported, only a small number went to military courts, officials acknowledged.


VIDEO: Howard Zinn - The Myth of American Exceptionalism

Zinn offers numerous examples of how the American government has used “divine ordination” and rationales of spreading civilization and freedom to justify its most dastardly actions: the extermination of Native Americans and takeover of their land; the annexation of Texas and war with Mexico; war against the Philippines; U.S. involvement in coups in Latin America; bloody efforts to expand U.S. influence in the Middle East, Africa and Asia.


Pope claims condoms could make African Aids crisis worse

The Pope today reignited the controversy over the Catholic church's stance on condom use as he made his first trip to Africa.

The pontiff said condoms were not the answer to the continent's fight against HIV and Aids and could make the problem worse.


TVNL Comment: The Pope is now an expert on HIV and AIDS.  How comforting is that?

Warning shot kills Iraqi girl, coalition says

A 12-year-old girl died Monday after she was struck by a warning shot fired as a vehicle accelerated toward an Iraqi police station, said the U.S.-led military coalition.

The girl, who was standing about 100 meters (about 328 feet) behind the vehicle, was hit by one of the rounds, the release said. Troops attempted to treat her at the scene, but she died while being transported to a hospital.

TVNL Comment: So is it standard practice to fire warning shots at street level in an occupied opposed to firing shots into the air? Is this our the U.S. military conducts their occupation?


Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425

The wording in too many provisions of these bills are simply too VAGUE and open the door WIDE for some government bureaucrat on the state of federal level to decide what farmers can or cannot use to grow food, and how that food will be handled--all under the benign guise of "protecting" the public. Where have we heard that before?

The government has NO BUSINESS interfering or attempting to control farming methodologies, or what choices farmers make for seed or fertilizer or any other aspect of farming or distribution. Period.


Obama Opens Secret Laboratories to Germany

The research offensive began after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and has been fuelled with huge sums of money ever since. Universities, companies and secret laboratories are carrying out research into highly sensitive surveillance cameras, bomb detectors, biometric analysis software and vaccines against biological weapons, among other things.


Greenland thaw among feared climate shifts by 2200

A drastic climate shift such as a thaw of Greenland's ice or death of the Amazon forest is more than 50 percent likely by the year 2200 in cases of strong global warming, according to a survey of experts.

The poll of 52 scientists, looking 100 years beyond most forecasts, also revealed worries that long-term warming would trigger radical changes such as the disintegration of the ice sheet in West Antarctica, raising world sea levels.


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