Wednesday, Oct 02nd

Last update09:34:00 PM GMT

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OC Assemblyman In Bed With Lobbyist . . . No, Literally In Bed

Freshmen legislators arriving in Sacramento receive advice from veteran
 politicians about the intricacies of working in California's capital. One of those tips is to remember that microphones broadcasting legislative debates can also capture embarrassing, career-ending personal admissions if a politician isn't careful. Michael D. Duvall, Orange County's 72nd Assembly
District representative, must have forgotten the warning.


Question a doctor and lose your child

PARENTS are being threatened with having their children taken into care after questioning doctors’ diagnoses or objecting to their medical care.

John Hemming, a Liberal Democrat MP, who campaigns to stop injustices in the family court, said: “Very often care proceedings are used as retaliation by local authorities against ‘uppity’ people who question the system.”

Cases are emerging across the UK:


Reps' notes suggest sales irregularities on Lilly drug

Eli Lilly and Co. paid doctors in South Carolina for participating in a speakers program in exchange for prescribing the antipsychotic Zyprexa and used golf bets to get more patients on the drug, according to notes by sales representatives.

The allegations are the latest twist in what has become a spate of state lawsuits against the Indianapolis drug maker over its marketing practices.


A year after financial crisis, the consumer economy is dead

One year after the near collapse of the global financial system, this much is clear: The financial world as we knew it is over, and something new is rising from its ashes. Historians will look to September 2008 as a watershed for the U.S. economy.


TVNL Comment: Keeping consumers in constant debt is the strategy that feeds capitalism as we know it.  Don't kid yourself.  The cycle will crawl back and debt will rule once again.

Top Secret Satellite Launches From Space Coast

An Atlas V rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Tuesday.

The exact nature of the satellite has been kept very secret. No federal agency has laid claim to ownership.

TVNL Comment: How is this permitted? We have allowed our government to become so powerful they can do things like this without telling us what they are doing. Is it a nuclear weapon? Is it a biological weapon system? Is it an experiemt that can accidently lead to our death or the death of the world? Is it meant to spy on us? This is unacceptable and the people of the world and the nation have to wake up and take back control of our lives!


Gaza death toll 'was much higher'

An Israeli human rights group says many more Palestinian civilians were killed in the Israeli military's campaign this year in Gaza than the army admits.

B'Tselem said detailed research showed that out of 1,400 Palestinian deaths, 773 were civilians - many of them children. This contradicts an Israeli army report stating that fewer than 300 civilians died in the fighting earlier this year.


Kids Didn't Hear Obama, But Will be Bussed for Bush

The Arlington Independent School District, which passed on airing President Barack Obama's live classroom address, has announced that some students will be bussed off campus to hear a message from former President George W. Bush on Sept. 21.


Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11

David Steele is a former 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer.

"Pakistan briefed Cheney [about the plans for the terrorist attacks ahead of time] …nations also got wind of this and warned the CIA. We also had two walk-ins to the FBI, one in Orlando, one in Newark, that were dismissed by the FBI because the names were all virgins and not in the FBI data base—the arrogance of stupid bureaucracy."


Justice Dept.: Blackwater Contractor Saw Killing Iraqis as 9/11 Payback

For sport, they rolled through the streets of Baghdad hurling frozen oranges and water bottles at civilians and nearby vehicles, trying to smash windshields and injure bystanders. Convoying through the city in armored vehicles, the contractors fired their weapons indiscriminately. One member of the Blackwater security team known as Raven 23 regularly bragged about his body count and viewed killing Iraqis as "payback for 9/11."


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