Wednesday, Oct 02nd

Last update09:34:00 PM GMT

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There's no denying Obama's race plays a role in protests

"Anyone who's looked at some of the signs at the various 'tea parties' knows perfectly well that race is a significant part of this backlash," he said. " . . . I'm not suggesting that every person angry about health care or immigration is a Klansman in disguise, but at the back of this white-hot rage that we've been seeing are people who are genuinely furious about the way the country is changing and changing racially."

No one symbolizes the changing face of America more than Obama does. "I think hundreds of thousands of whites are taking these very real changes and attributing them to the race of the president."


Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media

The mainstream media is engaged in what we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu. It seems to be true with this issue more than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a colleague of mine -- a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -- told me their column on natural defenses for swine flu was rejected by newspapers all across the country. Many newspapers refused to run the column and, instead, ran an ad for "free vaccine clinics" in the same space.

The media, it seems, is so deeply in bed with the culture of vaccinations that they will do almost anything to keep the public misinformed. And that includes lying about swine flu vaccines.


'Explosive' Sibel Edmonds Cover Story at 'The American Conservative'

There’s a new issue of The American Conservative going to press today, and it includes a story that will make more than a few congressmen and foreign lobbyists intensely uncomfortable: an in-depth interview between Phil Giraldi and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. She tells us exactly how Turkish intelligence have penetrated national secrets, suborned government officials, and blackmailed Congress.


19 year old Iraq vet kills himself in Washington, D.C.

A 19-year-old man who committed suicide on the Washington, D.C., subway system on Sunday was an Iraq war veteran recovering at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Army officials confirmed.

Pfc. Joshua Fueston, a native of Washington state, was killed when he threw himself in front of an oncoming train at a downtown station. Fueston posted hints on Facebook about suicidal thoughts two days before his death, writing that he was upset about an injury that prevented him from returning to his fellow soldiers overseas.


Former CIA Directors Urge Torture Prosecution Reversal

The Justice Department investigation into CIA torture allegations may have already jeopardized American intelligence capabilities, seven former CIA directors told President Obama. In a letter, the spy chiefs urge him to reverse Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to re-review case files of a dozen interrogations for possible criminal prosecution.


TVNL Comment: Three of the directors -- Porter Goss, Michael Hayden and George Tenet -- were directly responsible for authorizing and overseeing the CIA's interrogation program, which was known inside the agency as "GST." A fourth, R. James Woolsey is a member of PNAC. Why would these criminals want an investigation?  Just asking....

Court Strikes Down Regulations Limiting Nonprofits' Campaign Funds

A federal appeals court has struck down regulations that strictly limited how nonprofit groups raise and spend money for political campaigns.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit made the ruling in a lawsuit brought by Emily's List, which backs women Democratic candidates who support abortion rights. The group had challenged the regulations, which went into effect in 2005, as being an unconstitutional infringement on its free speech rights.


Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance

Nearly 45,000 people die in the United States each year -- one every 12 minutes -- in large part because they lack health insurance and can not get good care, Harvard Medical School researchers found in an analysis released on Thursday.

"We're losing more Americans every day because of inaction ... than drunk driving and homicide combined,"


Renewable Nuclear? Nuclear boosters disguise their product behind green verbiage.

Boosters of nuclear power plants usually depend on the fact that the facilities emit no greenhouse gases for their rationale, and a powerful one it is. They generally ignore problems of proliferation, terrorist vulnerability, the need to isolate and store waste products essentially forever, the expense of building the plants (once they're built they're relatively cheap to operate, but building them is very expensive), and the lack of capacity to enrich and manufacture their fuel.


75 Percent of Oklahoma High School Students Can't Name the First President of the U.S.

Only one in four Oklahoma public high school students can name the first President of the United States, according to a survey released today.The survey was commissioned by the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs in observance of Constitution Day on Thursday.

The Oklahoma City-based think tank enlisted national research firm, Strategic Vision, to access students' basic civic knowledge.


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